Happy Veterans Day!

Thanks to all who served. Texas Roadhouse is giving away free entrees to vets today. :wink: At least the one in Ft Myers.

Happy Veterans Day to all my fellow veterans.
God Bless America and God Bless President Trump.

Thanks to all who serve and served we are all grateful.

Thank you to all the Vets out there. Enjoy your Day :slight_smile:

With a heavy heart i will be spending most of the day at Hospice to honor my father in law 92 ears old . He Was a pilot over Japan in a B-24 Liberator ( Dragon and its Tail ) He was Honored to serve his country . And I had the honor to know him. Thank you to all the veterans That serve all nations in their time of need .

I have a great family :mrgreen:

Twin peaks is giving a free meal to vets today too. :lol: