Originally Posted By: tpriddy This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I performed an inspection yesterday and found this for the T&P valve and have never seen this before. I wrote it up to be replace d because you have no way of testing the valve. Maybe I’m wrong but I was protecting my behind.
At the time I had no idea what the thing was so I wrote it up as not having a properly installed TPR valve. Whatever it was it didn't seem to be installed properly anyway. Subsequently, I asked around and someone came up with a 60's TPR, which made sense as the home was a '65 and the water heater, believe it or not, may have been the original one. Because of the blanket I couldn't get to the data plate but I did uncover the really retro looking plastic name badge. It was " something Beauty Glass" if I remember right. Ended up as a simple call for a new heater with a correctly installed and plumbed TPR.
I don't know how old your water heater is, but I thinks it's safe to say the funky TPR is beyond it's life expectancy. 
-- Richard Moore
Rest Assured Inspection Services
Seattle, WA