Hello Everyone!

My name is Roger from R Home Inspections. I’m a new kid on the block just starting out and want to say hi to everyone, and if anyone has good advice for me, I’m all ears. Hope to see some of you soon.

Thank you.:smiley:

Welcome Roger, good to have you on board. Pick a couple of topics and do a search on the board. You’ll find threads for just about every topic you can think of and many you can’t. :slight_smile:

Hi, Roger, welcome!

The only really dumb question is the one not asked. It’s a great learning experience here. :wink:

Oh, nice play on the letter R.

Even better would be R² Home Inspections…not to be confused with you know who though. :cool:

Welcome, Roger!
Here’s some ideas, of what you can do to help NACHI help you:

Get onto the Members’ Board and read and learn. When something speaks to you, respond to it. Realize that there are veterans as well as novices there. And, despite what may be occasional “anti-NACHI” comments there, they are in fact members who are trying to effect changes that - usually - they feel will be beneficial to the membership. Sometimes the changes are made, sometimes not. Keep an open mind as you read. It’s worth the time; you will learn a lot!

Also, see where your nearest chapter is - http://www.nachi.org/chapterlist - and get active.

Remember, as a member, you have the right to create your own chapter - http://www.nachi.org/chaptersites.htm

Spend a week or two just reading http://www.nachi.org/whats_new.htm , and then re-read http://www.nachi.org/1001.htm

Do something off the wall like- http://www.nachi.org/forum/showthread.php?p=50833#post50833

Help us help you at: http://www.nachi.org/profileintro.htm

Spend 5 minutes and build your own personal NACHI website at http://www.inspectorpages.com/info/index.php

And, finally,
Support the hard-working staff in all they do for nearly 10,000 NACHI members. Believe me, the more you put into it, the more you’ll get out of it. NACHI is the Miracle-Grow of the Inspection Industry!!

Best of fortune to you, and stay in touch!

Hi Roger and welcome aboard. If I can be any help at all let me know.