I'm at (610) 933-4241 if you have questions. I can pay you over the phone with a credit card or send you a check. I need you to drop ship it to Mike Patton.
Originally Posted By: cnordby This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Nick…today I am swamped with sign work. I will send you a mock up of your banners tomorrow, so we are absolutely clear on what they will look like. thanks!
Originally Posted By: cnordby This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi Nick…just wanted to say I sent you an email with the banner samples. sometimes my email is screwy…so just wanted to let you know to look for it. If you didn’t get it let me know. thanks, Cheryl
Hi Nick…I think when I made this picture into a jpeg…it changed the blue you use to a darker shade. I will match ‘your picture’ blue as closely as I can. thanks. hope you can view it ok…sorry the attachment didn’t work in your email.
Originally Posted By: cnordby This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
your logo certainly can be on the banners. Is the blue you use on your banners like the sky color up in the right corner by the house? Or like the blue to the left with all the links on it?
Originally Posted By: dvalley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I'm posting our logo for you to observe. There are no colors (black & white). It is transparent to whatever it is added to. I do recommend that you check with Nick for the decision as to whether or not you add this to the banner. I'm not a decision maker here. I was just asking Nick why this was not included.
Hi Nick! Please check out these last layouts and let me know what you think. The logo was added but can be moved or taken off. Also please tell me about the blue you use. Is it like the blue to the left of this message board under the NACHI logo? Or like the blue up in the upper right hand corner (a brighter blue) thanks! and yes I can ship to anywhere you need and will only add on the shipping charges. Cheryl
Please also note the different size letters on some. Do you like the larger size? and did I abbreviate correctly? Let me know any changes to be made and I will post again. 
Originally Posted By: cnordby This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi Nick…I can fax you the invoice if that is easier. Do I make them all separate or invoice them together, and how many banners are we needing right now? The 3 that I have shown on the link in my previous post plus the above one you just posted? I have the material ready to go. I will contact the chapters you gave me. I am still wondering about that blue…which one do you use? thanks so much Nick!
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
We don’t need any MOKAN banners. We need the three above (in this thread). Contact chapter heads mentioned in each of the posts for proofs/decisions about logos/colors/shipping address/etc.
Yes fax to me at (650) 429-2057, 1 invoce per banner.
Originally Posted By: cnordby This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Ok Nick…I will fax you the invoices as I get the banners finished this week. Mike…I emailed you a copy of your banner layout. Let me know when you get it, and any changes you would like. I will not start the banner til I have heard an ‘OK go ahead!!!’ thanks, Cheryl
Originally Posted By: cnordby This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi Gerry…I emailed you a copy of your banner. The reason I am also posting here is sometimes email is not dependable. thanks, please reply to any changes you would like, address to send to and time you would like your banner. thanks, Cheryl