My concern is why this damage on only certain spots of the roof and not the whole roof.
Attic has blown in 10" of insulation. The defective side has air traps installed to let air flow from the soffit vents to the attic. The side that is ok, doesn’t have these air vents, just the soffet vents, that look to be covered with insulation inhibiting the air flow.
Originally Posted By: Michael D Thomas This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Give the wear pattern, my guess would be several defective bundles of shingles, probably as a result of storage conditions. But exactly what that defect would be, I don’t know.
Originally Posted By: jkormos This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I would recommend the a qualified,licensed, and insured roofing contractor further evaluate the apparent defect. Just document and advise on a course of action.
Originally Posted By: Jay Moge This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I wonder how long they sat at an outside storage facility in the sun and rain, maybe snow, before sold and shipped to the site. looks too spetratic to be any kind of vent issue.
Originally Posted By: mcyr This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Everything else that is part of the re-roofing process, related items such as flashing, boot condition at vents stacks, chimney flashing, stripping, ice& watershield extent, underlayment felt,and more.
There is more to just saying a roofing is at it's end, a lot of other components fall into play and final evaluation of the extent of repair is born by the Professional not us. It is one thing to point out the roofing needs to be replaced, but another, to say to what extent.
If anything else, the Roofing Contractor will most likely agree with the condition of the roofing, from that point on, you are out of the picture and on to something new.