I am interested in becoming a home inspector in the Western PA area. I have read all the information about who can conduct “for fee” inspections and I am still confused. Few questions…
1.) If I join interNACHI and take their free classes, do I really need to pay for an outside online training class? Some are $800-$900
2.) In PA you can only perform a paid inspection for the transfer of real estate if you are a full member of an organization like interNACHI? That requires 100 inspections under the supervision of a full member…
3.) How do you get supervision under a full member? I do not really see anyone taking on apprentices in my area…or those who are hiring.
What really advice do you give someone on how to get started with this?
Only you can decide if outside training is beneficial. One of the things everyone, who is successful in any business does is to capitalize it to the best of your ability.
You can make a great start by joining this association and taking all the free training you can get. Remember theoretical training does not come close to actually doing it.
As for the 100 inspections… that is a requirement for full membership in InterNachi. What is suggested is to submit completed reports for evaluation. BTW 4 mock inspections are required as well.
Its just a start. don’t believe these home inspection schools that claim you will make $100K over night.
Good luck
Thanks for the info. So I am confused on the requirements for PA, Certified vs. Licensing, etc. I have done some inspection work. I have had no formal training, I am realistic that’s why I am asking. I guess my real questions is how do you get 100 fee paid inspections if you cannot perform inspections? I don’t see anyone taking on apprentice inspectors or hiring around here.