
My names Steven Hill, I’ve been a member of InterNACHI for almost 2 months. I am looking at getting in the home inspection business. I’ve Been taking the online classes and reading a few books.I have a few questions I hope to get answered on her if I can

  1. How much can I expect to pay for ins.
  2. How can I find a home inspector that would let me ride along so I can see how a HI is done. Any help y’all can offer would be appreciated. Thanks. Oh yeah, I live in stone mountain Ga.

Steven, go to NACHI.TV Inspection Videos. You can watch videos on complete inspections; videos on elements, such as roof, electrical, etc.; and there are at least two videos that discuss insurance (accident insurance for HI’rs, and general insurance). This will be a good start.
I am new too, and not yet licensed.
Mark Yates, WI

Mark, thanks for the reply.

Insurance will cost you around 3 grand. when looking for a mentor keep an eye on the MB for guys that are helping out others. Look for someone out of your area as it will be much easier for them to say yes cause they are not training there competition. Some guys may ask for a small fee to compinsate there time. If they are asking alot it may not be worth it.