Here are several pics. from yesterday’s inspection. This inspection took 5 hrs. / long night. I am looking for comments on pics while I try to pull everthing together. Any comments are appreciated.
From left to right: Pic#1 is the main panel in the home, power coming in from the street. This panel has a 200amp SEC and main breaker. Pic#5 is in Pic#1 and I believe its is feeding Pic#2. No bushing or bonding clap for the pipe. Unable to locate ground rods for this panel. Pic#2 is another panel in the home, other side of home. This panel is rated for 150amp. main, but has a 200amp main breaker? Unable to locate EGC for this panel. Pic#3 is located in an detached, garage/apartment building. As you can see it is missing plugs for the knock outs. Also, the grounded and grounding conductors are together. It is also only being fed with a three wire service and there is water and phone to this building. Pic#4 is another out building being feed from Pic#2. There is no EGC/ground rod and the grounded and grounding conductors are not isolated form each other. This panel to is feed with a three wire service.
to be honest you pretty much have it, there are so many issueswith those panels: missing knock-outs, neutrals and grounds seperations, debris in panels etc that I would be calling out for an electrician to fully evaluate rather than writing a punch list.
Now, I could go into a long list of issues from the least important to the VERY important but you have the jist of it. Defer this to an Licensed Electrical Contractor ( not just an electrician ) and do not venture into giving them a punch list on these examples…simply because if you miss something in the course of your report the electrician many ignore it because they get some “electrician” down the street who is NOT a “Licensed Electrical Contractor” and they will say the HI missed this, that and these…leaving you open for something.
Give some examples…and make a statement that these are only a sample of the concerns within these enclosures and defer it…don’t do the electricians job for him/her when you have many…many issues. Unless of course you are a very skilled HI in electrical issues then you could elaborate and list all you find but if not totally confortable…defer and let them take care of it.