I’ve been doing inspections for about 8 years with HIP. I still do them old school, with a camera(I know, pretty funny right), takes way too long. I am going to spend this winter revamping my reporting system to make it more mobile friendly. I am wondering if I should pay for the HIP '21 upgrade or go to Spectora. Has anyone made this particular switch? What type of device works best with each? If you use a phone, is it your personal or dedicated phone. Thanks for the input.
I use an I pad pro 11 inch. It works great I complete my reports in the field and present the report to the clients on sight. I am currently using the inspect it software. Ahit will no longer be maintaining the Inspect it software. I am currently in the same boat. I have narrowed it down between hip & Spectora. I have only used inspect it software so any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
It is good that you are getting away from Inspect IT software.
If I had it to do over again, I probably would use Spectora.
You might want to get free trial of both and try them out for yourself.
Good luck!
We use spectora with ipad pro 12.9 with shoulder strap. If your using camera and laptop you’ll save double your time.
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