Hiring a Home Inspector

A CMHC document titled Hiring a Home Inspector posted at:

http://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/en/co/buho/buho_001.cfm is also being circulated to home inspectors.

Below is a sample letter in protest and encourage all to participate.

To: media@cmhc-schl.gc.ca

Re: Hiring a Home Inspector

[FONT=Arial]Dear Kristen or Julie,[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial]Kristen Scheel
Media Relations Officer
Julie Girard
Media Relations Officer

As a Home Inspector and customer of CMHC, I was quite dismayed that included with my last order was a pamphlet entitled “Hiring a Home Inspector” wherein your Corporation endorsed one specific trade association.

*As a taxpayer, CMHC customer and a certified Canadian home inspector, I was shocked to read that CMHC would align itself in recommending one trade association over another. *

*There is another association of Professional Home Inspectors in Canada, the National Association of Certified Home Inspectors (NACHI) with over 600 Canadian members from coast to coast and over 9900 members nationally. *

By being a member of this association, we are subscribing to a stringent Code of Ethic, Standards of Practice, and ongoing educational requirements.

Your article on the topic makes us sound like we shouldn’t be in business nor deserve consumer’s confidence.

As a Canadian taxpayer, I find that a government-funded corporation’s use of MY tax dollars being used to malign an organization to which I belong to & which adheres to a strict code of ethics & standards of practice is unfair.

CMHC should not be recommending one association but rather all Canadian Associations.

*I am requesting that you immediately consider altering your website and documents relating to “Hiring a Home Inspector” *

Thank you.

Great Thanks for the info … Cookie

Great letter Marcel

Thanks for the “heads up”

Mr. Lloyd President of OAHI and Secretary of CAHPI has informed members to go to -

http://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/en/col/buho/buho 001.cfm

Mr. Lloyd states that CAHPI is mentioned promenently at the CMHC site. Further he is alleged to have posted, "The half hour accreditation association’s members are planning a letter writing campagn of protest. No doubt it will be the 2 or 3 members who know all that will be the only letters that are sent."

This is yet another example of Mr. Lloyd abusing his positions. He has long been on record as an outspoken critic of Nachi and has used his position and CAHPI-OAHI resources to do it. His alleged post also runs contrary to the CAFE forum rules!

Mr. Lloyd paints with a very wide paint brush as we know there are many dual member of Nachi who are also members of CAHPI-OAHI.

Before Mr. Lloyd throws rocks and insults I think he should resign. After all this person has illegal disposed of Mr. Allen contrary to the established rules of which he is very familiar (supposedly), nor has he been able to account for the financial irregularities as per his fiduciary duties.

Mr. Lloyd needs to be held accountable for his lack of leadership, direction and his obvious bias in his statements. I guess this explains the ignorant and negligent attitude with Mr. Lloyd and his posse denying members rights they have no business denying.

Claude why is it that the people around you are incompetent and continually prove they love to power trip?

Yes I think we should all prove Mr. Lloyd wrong and send a letter to CMHC.

I also think CAHPI-OAHI should follow its own rules and expunge the post of a zealot. This is the same group that removed a months worth of posts from the CAHPI-OAHI site to silence its critics. Mainly Cam Allens side of the story and the call for a full forensic audit. Mr. Lloyd seem earger to keep the skeletons which he help create from public view and membership accountability. There sure are a lot of eager conspirators in CAHPI-OAHI.

Mr. Lloyd why hasn’t your BOD and Committees explained to the members about the serious financial irregularites?


I would also strongly suggest that in addition to sending your letters to
Kristen Scheel, Julie Girard, you also CC

**Mr. Douglas Stewart
Vice President of Policy and Planning

Mr. Ken Ruest
Senior Researcher
Policy and Research
Mr. Stewart and Mr. Ruest are aware of the statements coming out of CAHPI-OAHI/National spokespeople of record.

Letter sent!


Maybe collectively we CAN affect change!!!


It would also be a good idea to send this to your local MP. It is time we got this ball rolling and getting the political branch motivated is the fastest way to obtain change at C.M.H.C…

Mr. Lloyd President of CAHPI-OAHI, CAHPI-National Secretary has been kind enough to post the following…

Prefacing the NAHI statement is the opinion of Mr. Lloyd:

Post remarks as stated by Mr. Lloyd:

Claude, I think you have a problem. Mr. Lloyd clearly cannot follow the rules. First it was his complete contempt for the by-laws by throwing out Mr. Allen, ensuring a months worth of posts were removed, now he thumbs his nose at the CAFE forum rules to show just how incompetent he is. Clearly Mr. Lloyd has issues and known biases given his positions and he is in a conflict of ineterest. Has he declared his negative bias attitudes towards Nachi members before assuming his role as Secretary of CAHPI-National?

Amazingly Mr. Lloyd has picked up my contacts at CMHC and provided them to CAHPI-OAHI members. Wants the members to send CMHC letters of congratulations for doing a good job at promoting CAHPI. The only problem is CMHC didn’t recommend CAHPI only that it was responsible for putting the National together.

Mr. Lloyd goes on to state the following:

Amazingly Mr. Lloyd has picked up my contacts at CMHC and provided them to CAHPI-OAHI members. Wants the members to send CMHC letters of congratulations for doing a good job at promoting CAHPI. The only problem is CMHC didn’t recommend CAHPI only that it was responsible for putting the National together.

Mr. Lloyd goes on to state the following:

This is hilarious, this from the same person who has as President denied me my rights. Just like he did with Mr. Allen.

Given Mr. Lloyd is on the NCA can we really trust him given his propensity to thwart the by-laws and bring with him his animosities?

Amazingly Mr. Lloyd has picked up my contacts at CMHC and provided them to CAHPI-OAHI members. Wants the members to send CMHC letters of congratulations for doing a good job at promoting CAHPI. The only problem is CMHC didn’t recommend CAHPI only that it was responsible for putting the National together.

Mr. Lloyd goes on to state the following:

This is hilarious, this from the same person who has as President denied me my rights. Just like he did with Mr. Allen.

Given Mr. Lloyd is on the NCA can we really trust him given his propensity to thwart the by-laws and bring with him his animosities?


Mr. Lloyd here is some additional info you may find useful. You see, the facts aren’t as you have portrayed them.


I do hope OAHI soon gets their Money problem settled .
When two yes Two Financial sectaries quit in mid term and one writes a paper like the white paper it is obvious some one is trying to hide some thing when they refuse to have a proper audit.
Some time in the future we all should be able to help one another instead of the way it is now.
It is inevitable for OAHI too survive they must get the internal strife fixed.

Mr. Lloyd is trying to tell the members the virtues of following the by-laws, policy and procedures. I guess he should know considering his conflicts of interest seem to be the furthest thing from his mind.

Heres is an idea, Mr. Lloyd rather than boring your members with more of your embellished facts maybe you should come here to the Nachi site and debate the facts as told by me which you take issue with.

And please stop getting someone else to write your replies, their spelling is really bad. :wink:

Is that right? Well Mr. Lloyd you should brush up on legal renderings on that issue. Policy does not trump by-laws. The by-laws are quite clear as to the options as to recall of a director.

This is not the first time you have used underhanded tactics to achieve your wants. You did the same thing with reporting us of those who have the right to use CHI. You were proven wrong on that issue because your pigheadness refuses you to recognize your legal requirements. Now you should come clean about my membership upgrade refusal contrary to the by-laws and in contravention of OAHI solicitors.

Don’t try and paint me as the vilian in your attempt to exonerate your involvement in mismanagement. Hypocrite!

Tom get your facts straight. If you are going to get Dave Bottoms to right your replies make sure you get the facts right between the two of you.

Firstly I am not a CMI, and fail to see the comparison you are trying to draw.

As to the Financial matters of CAHPI-OAHI I find your pleadings that they are in order very strange indeed. Given that CAHPI-OAHI has no Treasurer but a temporary one, and I don’t think you should be going out on a limb and stating that the accountantss are satisfied with the books.

Now why don’t you go brush up on your by-laws with what you can and cannot do, and provide me an answer to my rights to a hearing and membeship upgrading have been denied contrary to the rules you keep telling everyone you and the Board are following.

Come on Tom you will have to do better at explaining your position given your repeated abuses of the bylaws.

Boy I am glad I was able to send out Mr. Lloyds comments to the OAHI lawyer and CMHC.

Even Bill Mullen had his rights trampled on by Mr. Lloyd. I wonder who is next?

Any volunteers who wish to be subject to wants and whims and dictates of a zealot who can’t comprehend the rules? :wink:

Mr. Lloyd if that is the way you feel I guess you would have no problem calling for a Forensic Audit. I hope your Directors and Officers liability insurance is up to date.