Can someone tell me what they are trying to say with this change?
This is what really matters concerning CE.
Looks pretty clear to me. “Qualifying education…Classroom or Online.”
Reach out to Ben Gromicko through fast-reply for clarification.
Rule 1301:17-1-07 | Home Inspector Qualifying Education.
A) For purposes of this rule, to be considered “online,” the course must satisfy the requirements found in paragraph (B) of rule 1301:17-1-11 of the Administrative Code and refers to educational programs in which instruction is accomplished through the use of interactive, electronic media and where the teacher and student are not physically in the same location at the time the course is being taught. “Qualifying education” means education necessary to obtain an Ohio home inspector license as required by division (D)(5) of section 4764.07 of the Revised Code. “Qualifying education” for this rule shall be completed in a classroom or online setting.
(1) An education provider who is an applicant for initial qualifying education course approval shall submit to the division of real estate for approval of home inspector qualifying education courses on a form prescribed by the superintendent along with the nonrefundable fee as specified in rule 1301:17-1-03 of the Administrative Code. The application form and fee must be submitted to the division at least thirty days prior to the proposed initial date of the course offering. Upon notice from the superintendent that an application is incomplete or incorrect as filed, the applicant shall, within thirty days of the date of the last such notice, submit to the division the additional requested information or the corrected application. Failure to timely submit the additional requested information or the corrected application shall constitute just cause for the superintendent to void the application.
(2) Qualifying education approved for this rule shall be valid for three years from the date of issuance by the superintendent provided the superintendent approves any substantial changes made to the course, and the education provider and its instructors comply with the requirements of this rule and Chapter 4764. of the Revised Code. Changes to the course instructor or to the course syllabus, description or content consisting of more than one-third of the course hours shall be considered a substantial change. Each education provider of approved qualifying education shall file an application with the division at least ten days in advance of any substantial changes to a course.
How to Become a Licensed Home Inspector in Ohio
To Become an Ohio-Licensed Home Inspector
STEP #1: Join InterNACHI® as a member at $49 per month (cancel any time) or $499 per year.
STEP #2: Take InterNACHI’s Free, Online Ohio Pre-Licensing Course.
Here we go again
I think “qualifying education” is education necessary to obtain an Ohio home inspector license. That is different than continuing educaiton.
Here are the approved schools for that: Approved Qualifying Education Providers