Ohio Continuing Education

I took Internachi’s courses to obtain my Home Inspection License. Thank you for providing this service for your members. Does anybody know if there are courses that are approved for Continuing Education? I don’t think we can just take the same classes.

Go to your HOME Page from the nachi website.
Click on your name, upper right corner and then MY DASHBOARD
On the left side click “Browse Course”
The next screen will allow you to FILTER courses by State.
Click on Ohio and you will see about 40 course that are approved for CE’s


Hey Dennis, if you want to check on the state website go here - Approved Continuing Education | Ohio Department of Commerce

I’m not sure about taking the same course twice, that’s a good question.

I also hope InterNachi gets more of their courses approved. @bgromicko1


Thank you Kevin and William! All of the classes listed on Internachi I have already taken to get my license. Some of the courses listed are not approved for Home Inspection but for other professions.

I’ve been using Ohio In Person Home Inspector Training - Home Inspector Training Institute of Ohio and https://online.hondros.com/catalog/home-inspection Home Inspector Institute of Ohio is great and affordable as is Hondros College. I was just looking to save some money if possible. Thank you again for your responses.

Hi, Dennis. For approved CE courses, visit How to Become a Licensed Home Inspector in Ohio - InterNACHI®. Then, scroll down that page to the “Home Inspector Continuing Education” section. Free, online CE by the only home inspector college is available for you. Couple dozen courses.

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Hi Ben, Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. I truly appreciate your time. I guess I’m curious about the courses being the same as what I took to obtain my license. Is it acceptable to take the courses again. I’m sure I would benefit from taking them again as I know I didn’t retain 100% of the information. But will Ohio accept them as Continuing Education? Thank you again.

Hi Dennis,

I apologize I did not see your question sooner.

As you know, Ohio has only recently started to license home inspectors. I’ve read the statutes regarding licensing in Ohio multiple times and it does not say there is a waiting period in order for CE to count toward a license renewal. To be absolutely sure that you wouldn’t have any trouble getting credit for a course you’ve already taken, I’ve emailed our state contact on your behalf. Edward is a great guy and I anticipate getting a response Monday.

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Hi Kaela,

No worries. I appreciate you taking the time to get a solid answer. I look forward to your response. Thank you for your help!

Hi Dennis,

I did hear back from Edward. Here’s what he said,

"Good morning. There is not a waiting period. As long as the continuing education class is approved for continuing education credit (see the following link for list of approved classes - Approved Continuing Education | Ohio Department of Commerce), the licensee can re-take a class once they receive the license from us. They just can’t keep re-taking the same class over and over during the three year license term. They can only take the class once during the 3 year license term in order for it to count towards the 42 hour continuing education requirement. Below is a link to the continuing education rule for licensees in case additional references are needed. Let me know if you have any questions. Take care.

Rule 1301:17-1-10 - Ohio Administrative Code | Ohio Laws"

I take this to mean that you may retake any of InterNACHI’s courses you did for pre-licensing to renew your license immediately. After that first license renewal, any approved course would only count once per renewal period, ie: you could take an approved course as many times as you want during a three-year renewal cycle, but you’d only get the value of the credits once. As soon as you were in a new three-year renewal period, you could retake a course you’ve already taken adn receive the credits for it again.

I hope that makes sense. If you have any questions please feel free to call the education department at 720-735-7125.

Thank you so much Kaela. That makes perfect sense.

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