Hot PIC and update on Ukrainian refugees that I took into my home

As some of you know, I sought and received approval by the U.S. government to take in a family of Ukrainian refugees. The process to get approved is long and is similar to adopting a child. I had to prove that I could financially support them for a year and that they could stay with me in my home.

I had never met them before, so it was a bit of a risk. They arrived and moved in with my family earlier this fall. And all I can say is that they were an absolute joy to have in our home. They recently rented a townhouse nearby and have moved out. In about the 9 weeks they lived with us, they really got a lot done toward assimilating and becoming productive members of society. Here is a short list of what they accomplished:

The kids got into the local public school.
Both parents got work permits.
Both parents got social security cards.
Both parents passed their Colorado driver’s tests and got licenses and insurance.
Both parents purchased used cars.
Both parents got full-time jobs.
The father, who didn’t know how to speak English, learned how on YouTube at night.
He also passed his CDL exams… in English.
The mother got a high-paying job in Denver with an international logistics company.
They rented their own townhouse and moved out of my house.

I’m very proud of them. Here is a PIC of their family:

I have since sought and received approval to take in another family, this time a mother and son. They moved in a couple weeks ago and all is going well.


Congratulation to the Ukrainian family! :+1:

You have a big hearts Nick Gromicko’s family proper. :heart:


It worked out really well. It was fun living with them while they were with us. Kids all played together. The ladies cooked together.

I bet it was a great time!

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What an interesting dynamic. A Ukranian family fleeing Russian aggression immigrate to the United States and move in to a Russian’s home who, himself, is armed to the teeth. They are a brave family.

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What an interesting dynamic. A Ukranian family fleeing Russian aggression immigrate to the United States and move in to a Russian’s home who, himself, is armed to the teeth. They are a brave family.

Yeah, I hear ya. And worse, I argue that we pushed Putin into invading. War is never the answer but I’m not sure what else he could do. He can’t let yet another country become a U.S. military base with missiles aimed at Moscow.


I agree with you. While we certainly have retained our military might, our country has lost its moral authority to lead after the 80’s. Perhaps we will get it back, someday. Perhaps not, but there are still pockets of good in our country to be found among its citizens. You are an example of that. Good job.


You done good Nick. Proud of you and the family. Good looking bunch by the way.

I could only do one at a time (exchange students). Lotta fun though!

That’s awesome Nick!!