Hot PIC of Dominic at tonight's packed Inspector Success seminar.

Guess you could say the ‘Inspector Success’ seminar tour is a Success !!! :D:D

Definitely a full house tonight! I think I gave the guys a lot of info to think about! Thanks for the picture Nick :smiley:

Added a second PIC:…minar-2009.htm

Talk about live pictures! Mike’s still talking :slight_smile:

Ben is sending them to me via his cell phone.

Is it just me but I have noticed something and these pictures confirm it,
Do Home inspectors loose The hair at the back from scratching and saying what in the world is that! lol
Just kidding just seen the glare

Wish I coulda been there Dom!

Nick, are you calling me hot?

Which pic will be used for Dom’s spread in the “Hunks of InterNACHI” calender? He’s Mr. February, right? :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL Hey Dom, don’t forget to put on the baby oil when you take your Mr. Feb pics! lol

Looking forward to tonight’s seminar on Long Island!

Yah, and the heavy drinkin’ afterwords explains the expanded waistlines. :smiley:

I noticed that too. Don’t get me wrong, I’m one of the fat bald guys, but it is sort of amazing.

Is this what I get to look forward too? LOL :freaked-:

NY event packed tonight as well. New pic added to bottom of