Great time was had by all
Last night I experienced a few things for the first time, lighting striking a utility pole [awesome sight BTW], wind shear [twice] that was an experience in it self! But the most important experience was having a packed house of like minded NACHI Home Inspectors all dedicated to the advancement of the Industry!!
The guest speakers were inspiring, the door prizes were awesome and the beer was cold!:shock:
Thank You Mr. Nick Gromicko and Valerie for doing this success seminar in Toronto! And I would also like to Thank our sponser’s Pro-Lab!
Another outstanding evening with INACH, Mike Crow offered some sound advice, software was everywhere, samples and equipment provided by Pro-Lab was fantastic. The speakers were great and seeing old and making new friends was awsome.
Hats off to Nick, Val and the gang a great time.
Thanks for all you do
Ok, this was so much fun, when do we do it again? Steve and I had a great time and it was really great to get to talk to you all, Thanx.
Fun night , and I am just returning to my room after a very interesting and informative day at John’s Infrared Class. Day number 2 shapes up to be just as interesting. Great to see and talk with everybody last night.
Looks like all of you had a great time. I sure do miss having the events here in Florida.
Howdy… from the Toronto IR Class.
Thanks to all my Canadian friends.!
Wow John, you got that place packed!
Glad the Toronto event went so well, I’m sorry I couldn’t make it. Thanks Billy for passing out CD’s though!
More fun than a human being should be allowed to have…
I have to reiterate what everyone has been saying. It was great to see some old friends and meet some new ones. I loo forward to the next event - hopefully it will be soon. Hat’s off to Nick and Val and all the speakers for a very educational and entertaining evening.
I enjoyed the event as well. It was great to finally meet some fellow NACHI inspectors. Hopefully these types of events will be a regular occurance:cool:
My hat’s off to Nick, Valerie, and all the crew, who made the inspector success night a success! I wish I could have stayed for the IR training, but I spent Fri., and Sat. at a Drifting competition in Toronto. I was a ride-along in one of the fastest vehicles. Going into a corner, sideways, at 110 km/hr is a rush like no other I’ve ever experienced. Check out, or for videos of the action. I’m sorry I didn’t get to talk to more of you guys. Let’s keep moving this industry forward,eh?