I found a hot spot in a bedroom exterior wall. There are no bathrooms near this wall. If I had only seen the upper warm streak I would not have been concerned. Does anyone have an idea what this is?
Thanks, Norm
I found a hot spot in a bedroom exterior wall. There are no bathrooms near this wall. If I had only seen the upper warm streak I would not have been concerned. Does anyone have an idea what this is?
Thanks, Norm
Is that really the only information you’re going to give us?
Is there an exhaust exiting the roof above that area, just a thought
what’s on the other side of this wall? what’s below?
It’s an exterior wall above the dining room.
I don’t think so. The furnaces are in the attic the water heaters are at the other end of the house.
It’s in an exterior wall above the dining room. The furnaces are in the attic and the water heaters are at the other end of the house. It’s a very hot day with the sun on that wall, so there could be some heat penetration from the outside. I just hadn’t seen something quite so distinct.
did you take IR reading in the same spot in the dining room? what’s below the dining room in that area and on the outside of the exterior wall?
Good questions. Yes, I took a reading the dining room. No issues there. A roof rake intersects this wall diagonally. I’m not sure what would make the vertical signature except some minor insulation voids, which is what I suspect. It’s a hot day in Austin, was at least 95º with the sun shining on this wall.
Lack of insulation could easily do it if all else is eliminated.
Thanks, I found significant insulation voids in several places.
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I know, I know!
It is a hot spot on a bedroom exterior wall.
Just joking, Norm. It is hard to say without being there with the imager in hand…sorry.
Did that picture seem to resemble the other pictures of the areas that were missing insulation? Could it be a dryer exhaust from the basement running up the wall terminating into the soffit possibly? That’s about all I got
Is it a cable wire running down the side of the house with a racy show playing?
Are there any tall thin windows on adjoining buildings? Was it a sunny day?
No. This was the only wall area that showed a hot spot. There were insulation voids in the ceilings in several places that showed up with IR, but not with this kind of contrast.
Yes, it’s a hot, sunny day.
Typically, missing insulation shows up mottled not crisp.
Could it have been a reflection of something in the room? Did you move around and get the same image or similar?