How is the type of circuit breaker ID’d in a Cutler-Hammer panel? Isn’t that information listed on the panel? These photos sent to me with the question.
The type of breaker should be identified on the panel label. One of the resident experts will likely recognize it and chime in. As I recall, Cutler-Hammer makes two types of breakers, one is .75" wide, and one is 1" wide. You can find more information on their website.
That panel is a type CH, looks to be 1960s vintage.
Are you referring to a numbering scheme for the breakers?
Notice the double tap on one of the breakers. Sender of these photos wants to add a breaker to the panel and needs to know what type.
Thanks for replying.
From what I’ve seen, Cutler-Hammer makes two types of residential breakers, type BR and type CH. They appear to be type CH.
Those ARE CH-series breakers, and those particular ones can legally accept two wires.
Be aware those C-H “Classic” breakers w/ those lugs are out of production,if current design breakers are allowed to have 2 conductors or not I dont know.