How is this possible in just 66 years?


It’s all fake news… :roll_eyes: :shushing_face:

Fruit loops!

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Wow! Tom is catching on. :face_with_monocle:

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How was this possible in just 51 years

  • 1844; First telegraph to send a message over a line was sent by Samuel Morse on from Washington, D.C. to Baltimore.

  • 1895: Marconi sends a wireless Morse code message over a kilometer away

or how about this in just 22 years

  • 1906: The first radio broadcast
  • 1928*: The first mechanical television station, W3XK, aired its first broadcast

Technology builds on itself at an exponential rate.

The two photos in the OP are entirely different technologies dealing with different principles of physics.


Good quality Ganja!!



It’s obvious that Aliens occupy the dark side of the moon and influence earthlings.


You’re close :wink:

NASA delays first crewed flight to the moon in over 50 years

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That is a pretty stupid remark considering they use two entirely different technologies; S band and microwaves.

It’s not possible Nick, it’s all an illusion that’s been implanted in the minds of all of us mere earthlings, kind of the same concept as the movie Total Recall.

“They” implanted the illusions in our heads and then “they” spray chemtrails over all of us to keep our minds out of the know.
:wink: :flying_saucer:

BTW it is a great movie!


Nice Kevin, you’re starting to figure it out!

Don’t forget the lizard people living amongst us…Scary!!!

:shushing_face: :rofl:

See the wire holding the astronaut up?

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That’s not a wire.

That’s his antennae. Every Martian has them. When he gets excited, he has to download immediately. It’s well known that they suffer from premature communication.

Here’s a closeup from that documentary series, My Favorite Martian.

I thought the moon landing was faked for years, but then I asked my cousins who have access to everything in Russia and despite Russia’s official story being that it was faked (and they taught that in schools over there), my cousins confessed that the moon landing was real as the USSR was able to track the entire trip and listen in to every transmission.

So the government that says we didn’t land on the moon, knows we actually landed on the moon… because we did.

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Wow some of the replies in here…

Oh it’s a wire, and it’s holding the astronaut up in the sense that radio communications is key to the journey. That’s literally his support wire.