28 foot fiberglass is the best standard ladder there is.
You may need to gain access to many commercial roofs in the future and my 22 foot multi ladder is not enough.
There is no too high if you have the right length ladder.
4.I go by what I feel comfortable with according to conditions and do not think having a stead fast rule is good.
5.Not in contract as that would be pointless and self defeating.
Method of observation is in the report.
6.I do not think about that sort of stuff when it comes to personal safety as I am only here to entertain when I feel like it and do not need to put on a climbing show for anyone.
I set the standards of how I inspect and not anyone else when it comes to this issue as no SOP of any state or association has roof walking as a requirement and you do not ever risk life and limb for anyone over money.
My deck is just the right size for me to set my food tray on it while I watch TV. I paid alot of money for that deck and I like to see what i paid for.
I’m on roofs every day (not home inspections). 20’ covers most single story homes. 28’ covers most two story homes. I have bigger, and smaller ladders for doing my every day work. For home inspecting, the 20 & 28 would be my two choices.