How much would you charge to inspect this

$906.45 plus mileage

$1500, conservatively


SWS is getting close for standard hi the others are absurd…imo

i’d 1st get better data than listing
talk directly to client & find out what level of service and if any specialty services were required

last i did this size
ir & stucco only $4,041

today is eifs only on 1/3 size $1,250

both are after some lesser fee inspector findings did not satisfy client needs/wants & the inspector deferred by noting in the report “some damage is evident, weren’t qualified to properly inspect stucco or comment further, hire a specialist”


I’d do it for free if they’d let me have a party there one weekend!

Fly me round trip and I will do it for $3500.00;-)

$3500 would be my price plus two days travel there and back. No flying for me so I would have to drive out.
Wait I missed the yacht. That would an extra $500 to make sure it is sea worthy and a good fishing boat. Need an extra day or two or three for that.

Round it to 5000. use a Heat and air, roofing and Pool contractors and a engineer PS make sure your insurance covers it .lol

You are a bunch of overpriced bandits.

I can do any size home for $199.

I would have to charge $25 extra for the pool and grounds.


Once they accept my offer I will be calling David Hays…that price includes Radon testing also, correct?

Of course! Why would I charge extra. :mrgreen:

$8,332.00 Base … Plus structural engineer, commercial roofer and pool inspector PLUS travel, hotel, etc

It’s a large investment but I’d have to go with David’s price. Will you be using IR for free as well? Ah what’s it matter my agent said I shouldn’t pay more than $250 so your price works.