How Often Do You Run Into Vermin?

How often to you see mice, racoons, snakes, etc. on your inspection adventures?

EDIT: I’m curious about live critters, more than evidence of past infestations.

Early in my career, it was 3 out of 10 homes. Later in my career, it was maybe 0 or 1 out of 50 homes.


Live? Rarely.

Evidence of? Droppings, traps, etc… almost every day.


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Larry, that’s interesting. Any thoughts on why you saw more early on?

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Ian, thanks for the reply! I was thinking more on the “live” side of the question.

Live ones, a few times per month, raccoons in attics, rats in attics; possums in crawlspaces; snakes wherever they want to hide…

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More expensive, better built & maintained house = less vermin.

The legend has it: the raccoons would learn about Larry’s visit and skip town for a few days.


Havent seen one all year but I did see a huge roach crawl across a clients bare foot in sandles a few months ago. She jumped about a foot and smashed it all over the sellers carpet.


I caught this guy going in and out of the louver, When looking in the attic there were 3 little baby raccoons, The attic was destroyed. He also ripped out the louver vent on the other gable. We had to hire the critter catcher, He trapped the mother and baby raccoons and relocated them. Now for the repairs. this was on the client’s home.


Not the case when you leave your garage doors open. :rat: :rat:

This…>>>>>>>>>… [quote=“srechkin, post:7, topic:171816”]
More expensive, better built & maintained house = less vermin.

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Whenever the client is a democratic… :grinning:


I posted this question to get real information, not get involved in a stupid politic debate or to alienate other users.

Please keep your off-topic posts in the appropriate forum.


Evidence is pretty common on rental inspections in “Harm City” LOL Most of the time the critters seem smart enough to not show themselves when the Inspector is present :smiley:

Richard, what are “harm cities”? I haven’t come across that term in my studies.

It was just a joke… However…
I’ll do what I want!


Do you perform inspections?
How many times has it come up.
What made you think about a subject like this.

I’m studying to become an inspector, so I haven’t done any inspections yet. I was reading the Animal and Pest Hazards section and the specific page on Arthropods and Snakes was my inspiration. I was wondering if running into pests was a real hazard and, judging from the responses, it seems pretty likely (depending on the geographic area).

What have your experiences been like?

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I’m just enjoying my mostly peaceful afternoon coffee reading this forum.