How should OAHI handle my renewal to Full RHI?

How should OAHI handle my renewal to Full RHI?

  1. Make me resolve every complaint made against me. I’ve got tons of them.
  2. Make me pay the difference between the “Retired RHI” fee and full fee for “RHI” for the past two years that I’ve been lying about my credentials.
  3. Make me take the “OAHI Defect Recognition and Reporting Course” and the “Humber College Ethics for Home Inspectors Course.” God knows I REALLY need that ethics course. After all, I *was *booted out of the OAHI Ethics Committee.
  4. Make me pay any legal costs incurred by OAHI to handle all the frivolous letters and emails I sent to their lawyer over the past five years.
  5. Make me earn all the CEUs I’m missing. I haven’t earned a single CEU in three years, meaning that I need at least 60 before I get my RHI back.
    *]Make me remove any reference to “RHI” and “OAHI” from all my electronic and print marketing materials while I resolve all the above issues prior to upgrading my RHI.
    That would be the fair and equitable thing for a legitimate professional association like OAHI to ask of me. If I am not willing to comply to any of the above, I should also not be permitted to renew under any category.

Hey you twitt

  1. OAHI should first ensure my complaints are dealt with first. After all my complaints were submitted well before OAHI trumped up charges.

  2. No by-laws can prevent one from being a member of ASHI or Nachi and practicing while retired in OAHI, that is a fact. If OAHI is so hard up for money for less than quality benefits thats not my problem. Also Pr 158 and the by-laws do not support your long held views I am breaking them while being retired.

  3. As to Defect Recognition course that is not what the by-laws say, nor do I need the ethics course as I have not threatened people with full knowledge and help from OAHI unlike yourself. The evidence speaks to this matter quite succintly and to the point.

  4. Legal costs incurred only as a result of threats and other decivious actions OAHI has conspired to enact. Sorry Mr. Segal knows enough not to push that issue as does OAHI because it will result in further expenses to the association.

  5. As to CEU’s how would you possibly know what I have in that regards? You don’t so don’t push an issue you clearly know nothing about.

  6. Won’t be removing anything in the way of RHI or OAHI as the by-laws and Pr 158 do not back up your claims. You have continually failed miserably to prove that point, try as you might.

  7. I am legally within my rights to do anything because contrary to your hot air Mr. Bottoms I am a member in good standing.

  8. If you are so sure of your statements and beliefs please feel free to go ahead and I will ensure I speand the Association money in a court of law where all will be exposed and your name will not be exposed in the best light along with your cohorts who are nothing but liars and cheats.

Are you up for the challenge and do you wish to speak on behalf of the BOD. I would hate to think how things will turn out. I know for sure OAHI cannot guarantee me a fair impartial hearing and I have you to thank for that along with Mr. Lloyd, and others.

Thanks for the pointers Dave. Too bad it burns your *** that you and OAHI are powerless.

Thanks for pulling the posts Dave Bottoms.

Rest assured I have sent everything to the OAHI Lawyer to ensure just what sort of activities some members of OAHI will stoop to to champion their cause.


As I have told you and Bill Mullens the DPPC will handle matters. We have to operate within the confines of the by-laws. For you to suggest what you do above will not withstand a court challenge. Inadvertently you have assisted with OAHI not having a leg to stand on. In hind sight I am guilty of assisting in running amuck with the by-laws. Believe me when I tell you Mr. Segal the Association lawyer has informed us to play by the rules.

Thanks Dave.


Also I would like to add that OAHI can only act as guided by the by-laws for actions of inspectors which fail to comply with the SOP and COE as they relate to home inspections, not for conduct unbecoming or professional misconduct as the by-laws were written solely with inspection practices in mind to protect the consumer against unsrupulous inspectors we have in OAHI.
