Watch me REALLY screw with OAHI

Dear NACHI Members,

In an effort to show you all just what sort of fools they got running OAHI. I am going to renew my membership with them next year and upgrade it back to full RHI.

The losers and criminals they’ve got running that association into the ground won’t dare do a thing to stop me. They are terrified I’ll force them into court and waste tons of their members’ money like Roy did a couple of years back.

As I haven’t earned a single CEU in three or four years, I am far behind on the minimum number you have to have to maintain your RHI. Do you think they will take me to task on this? Not very likely. They are all afraid to challenge me. They will give me my RHI no questions asked.

Anyone else would have to take a few courses before they were allowed to upgrade, like maybe the Defect Recognition and Reporting Course and definitely the Humber College Ethics Course for Home Inspectors. Not me, though. They don’t have the guts to force me to take anything.

Anyone who has as many complaints against them as I do against me would have to resolve them all before being upgraded. You think those a-holes have the balls to make me do that? Again, not very likely. They will sweep my complaints under the rug because they are afraid of me and they don’t care about all the victims I’ve libelled over the years.

Over the past few years I’ve made a concerted effort to force OAHI to rack up thousands of dollars in legal costs by always sending my frivolous complaints to their lawyer by emails and registered letter. You think OAHI has the balls to make me pay for the legal costs I’ve caused them to incur? We’ll see, but I’d be surprised if they did.

OAHI is also well aware I’ve been lying about being retired. Any legitimately run association would make me pay the difference between the Retired RHI fee and the full membership fee for the past two years before allowing me to upgrade. They won’t, because they know better. They know I can’t wait to waste their members’ hard-earned money in court against OAHI.

Also, any legitimately run professional association would ask me to remove any reference to “RHI” and “OAHI” from all my electronic and print marketing materials while I resolve all these issues prior to upgrading my RHI. OAHI won’t, because they are a bunch of chicken-shiits.

I look forward to getting my RHI back and proving once again that those running OAHI are a bunch weak-kneed criminals and idiots who don’t have the guts to fight me in court or stop me from upgrading back to RHI.

The above post is not by Raymond Wand you can see that it does not have the proper signature in the top right corner . Some one is again making false posts. There sure are a few simple people out there . Roy Cooke

Your not the real Raymond are you?

Much too nice…

Anyone you know in the news???

So how is CAPHI these days after so much FREE advertising!!!

Friends of yours?

Dear NACHI Members,

In an effort to show you all just what sort of fools they got running OAHI. I am going to renew my membership with them next year and upgrade it back to full RHI.

The losers and criminals they’ve got running that association into the ground won’t dare do a thing to stop me. They are terrified I’ll force them into court and waste tons of their members’ money like Roy did a couple of years back.

As I haven’t earned a single CEU in three or four years, I am far behind on the minimum number you have to have to maintain your RHI. Do you think they will take me to task on this? Not very likely. They are all afraid to challenge me. They will give me my RHI no questions asked.

Anyone else would have to take a few courses before they were allowed to upgrade, like maybe the Defect Recognition and Reporting Course and definitely the Humber College Ethics Course for Home Inspectors. Not me, though. They don’t have the guts to force me to take anything.

Anyone who has as many complaints against them as I do against me would have to resolve them all before being upgraded. You think those a-holes have the balls to make me do that? Again, not very likely. They will sweep my complaints under the rug because they are afraid of me and they don’t care about all the victims I’ve libelled over the years.

Over the past few years I’ve made a concerted effort to force OAHI to rack up thousands of dollars in legal costs by always sending my frivolous complaints to their lawyer by emails and registered letter. You think OAHI has the balls to make me pay for the legal costs I’ve caused them to incur? We’ll see, but I’d be surprised if they did.

OAHI is also well aware I’ve been lying about being retired. Any legitimately run association would make me pay the difference between the Retired RHI fee and the full membership fee for the past two years before allowing me to upgrade. They won’t, because they know better. They know I can’t wait to waste their members’ hard-earned money in court against OAHI.

Also, any legitimately run professional association would ask me to remove any reference to “RHI” and “OAHI” from all my electronic and print marketing materials while I resolve all these issues prior to upgrading my RHI. OAHI won’t, because they are a bunch of chicken-shiits.

I look forward to getting my RHI back and proving once again that those running OAHI are a bunch weak-kneed criminals and idiots who don’t have the guts to fight me in court or stop me from upgrading back to RHI.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Sorry everyone. I am very wrong again I thought Raymond
was not Raymond but it looks like it really is
Please ignore my message I don’t know what I’m saying.
Raymond is posting as himself and no one else.
I am too.

Roy D. Cooke, Happy NACHI camper.

You have to give Raymond credit for one thing he sure knows his stuff. He is more powerful than the BOD!

You should go for it, Ray. I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed wasting all my ex-friends membership money forcing OAHI into a big legal fight. My only regret is that I did not bankrupt them when I had the chance. Every single member of OAHI is nothing but a big fat loser and I’d steal their money if I could.

Roy D. Cooke, A Happy NACHI Camper who tried to bankrupt OAHI

Hello boys and I do mean boys,

I almost forgot about this user account.
I find the Raymond and Roy act quite boring. They behave like children who think if they keep repeating garbage someone will believe them. I really have gone beyond caring a long time ago. Raymond, Roy and the assorted non-members here continue to act as kids in the playyard.

They discredit themselves with their constant posting.
I wish they would stop, shut up and work at getting some credibility back. They are currently a stain on NACHI’s reputation.

We do not!!!

You guys don’t know what you are talking about! You never do and never will. You know OAHI is just as corrupt and I as Editor in Chief of the Canadian Home Inspector Magazine will ensure my investigative reporting skills are honed on exposing the dirt in OAHI and CAHPI. I will show everyone once and for all that I am the man to clean up OAHI.

Heck I even agree that OAHI should have a full forensic audit going back as far as 1994.


Won’t that hurt that forensic audio thingee. Cough Cough Cough

Dear NACHI Members,

In an effort to show you all just what sort of fools they got running OAHI. I am going to renew my membership with them next year and keep it at associate level like I have for the last eight years.

The losers and criminals they’ve got running that association into the ground won’t dare do a thing to stop me. They are terrified I’ll force them into court and waste tons of their members’ money like Roy did a couple of years back.

As I haven’t earned a single CEU in three or four years, I am far behind on the minimum number you have to have to maintain your RHI. Do you think they will take me to task on this? Not very likely. They are all afraid to challenge me. They will give me my RHI no questions asked.

Anyone else would have to take a few courses before they were allowed to upgrade, like maybe the Defect Recognition and Reporting Course and definitely the Humber College Ethics Course for Home Inspectors. Not me, though. They don’t have the guts to force me to take anything.

Anyone who has as many complaints against them as I do against me would have to resolve them all before being upgraded. You think those a-holes have the balls to make me do that? Again, not very likely. They will sweep my complaints under the rug because they are afraid of me and they don’t care about all the victims I’ve libelled over the years.

Over the past few years I’ve made a concerted effort to force OAHI to rack up thousands of dollars in legal costs by always sending my frivolous complaints to their lawyer by emails and registered letter. You think OAHI has the balls to make me pay for the legal costs I’ve caused them to incur? We’ll see, but I’d be surprised if they did.

OAHI is also well aware I’ve been lying about being an associate. Any legitimately run association would make me pay the difference between the Associate and RHI fee and the full membership fee for the past two years before allowing me to upgrade. They won’t, because they know better. They know I can’t wait to waste their members’ hard-earned money in court against OAHI.

Also, any legitimately run professional association would ask me to remove any reference to “RHI” and “OAHI” from all my electronic and print marketing materials while I resolve all these issues prior to upgrading my RHI. OAHI won’t, because they are a bunch of chicken-shiits.

I look forward to getting my RHI back and proving once again that those running OAHI are a bunch weak-kneed criminals and idiots who don’t have the guts to fight me in court or stop me from upgrading back to RHI.


:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

Now doesn’t that feel better getting that out in the open?

Geez Dave

You’re pretty stressed out about all this. Sorry I didn’t relize who ate and slept OAHI 24/7. It’s okay to be pissed about the way OAHI is treating you. You certainly can seem to make any complaints stick. Oh well Dave you should read a thing or two about law and how corporations of the the non profit type are to be run. But you don’t know how to read a balance sheet that is obvious let alone fine one from OAHI!

Raymond you seem very concerned about Dave and thats commendable. I guess this is whats NACHI is all about.

Blah blah blah

Dear fellow NACHI members,

Since taking control of user account “gilstrachan” in hope of reducing the verbal diarrhea of Raymond and Roy, I have been hoping that this lunacy would be reduced. That sadly has not been the case.

**Mysteryman has come up with a way for you express your opinion and participate.

Non-members cannot post polls but ALL can vote on others reputation so here is the plan.

Option 1-
If you think Raymond and Roy should continue as they have been vote gilstrachan’s reputation DOWN and Raymond and Roy’s UP

Option 2-
If you think Raymond and Roy should shut-up and get a life
vote gilstrachan’s
reputation UP and Raymond and Roy’s DOWN

Let’s see what the membership of NACHI really thinks of these two boys antics.

Go to the yellow star at the top of the post to give reputation points.

Speak up NACHI. This is your BB too**

Just for you jack asses who think you’re clever slamming OAHI. I have posted the link to this thread on the OAHI CAFE.

One of these days you will appreciate how good OAHI-CAHPI is!


                              182 Posts

Posted - 12/04/2006 : 18:56:47


Dave Bottoms do you think you could shut up for any length of time? You are an embarrassment to OAHI and CAHPI. OAHI members are sick and tired of you pontificating about Raymond Wand, Roy Cooke, Nick and others and about NACHI.

You ran around issuing threats and I spoke to you about that, now there are more complaints coming in from members and non members complaining about your posts and your threats and outlandish statements. You are revealing info that is confidential in nature.

Your revealing more information and helping NACHI, please will you stop and think before you post information that obviously is helping Mr. Wand.

Tom Lloyd

As the newly elected board member of OAHI its nice to see Mr. Christopher ruffling his feathers. Another chip off the old block!

For your information Mr. Christopher Mr. Bottoms has been very busy posting here under the identity of Norman Bushman, Raymond E Wand, and other entities. Maybe you should get all the facts Mr. Christopher before you go making subjective decision based on less than accurate info provided by Mr. Bottoms.


                              182 Posts

Posted - 12/04/2006 : 18:56:47

Dave **


                              67 Posts

Posted - 12/05/2006 : 08:19:45

I hope you haven’t been posting on that site. After reading through all the posts it is very hard to distinquish fact from fiction. Regardless, Mr. Wand is the common denominator and any ethical association would bar/ban him and/or any postings authored by him.
Wayne Christopher RHI