Look for RHI designation to ensure you're not getting uncertified `cowboy'

I think he’s right!!! :shock:


Yep treat the RHIs special and tell the rest of the members they can do inspections but are not allowed to tell people they are members of OAHI .
242 RHIs being qualified to do inspections
104 Associate who are on their way to being Qualified
6 applicants who want to be associates
412 Students who have no recognized qualifications
764 total who are doing inspections and
OAHI says only 242 RHIs are qualified .
This is sure a poor way to treat a large % of their members .
Two thirds of the OAHI members are second class people.

NACHI treats all who have passed the NACHI exam and joined NACHI as equal home inspectors 100 % is great and cost is $269. Conference was $99:00
OAHI cost starts at $450;00 and continues to up too $10,000; and they do not let many make it to the RHI for many many years it has stayed at 200+~ RHIs can you say a closed door group .
Been there saw how they work and Joined NACHI the Greatest Home Inspection association around .
Where all are welcome to visit even those who will not sign their own name like MR John Q Public , So sorry you have to hide who you are .
… Cookie


John Q Public is showing just how little he knows.

**Anyone in the Registry is entitled to use RHI. That is a fact. Therefore anyone who is a member who hasn’t jumped through all the hoops is in fact a RHI! Needless to say OAHI is deceitfully and wantonly misrepresenting and acting contrary to PR 158. Its like many things OAHI does which are contrary to the Act. Mr. Maxwell may wish to brush up on his topics before he readily accepts false information from OAHI that they wish to be printed.

Perhaps Mr. Maxwell should be asking about the financial concerns with the falling revenues and decreasing membership along with non conservative budget estimates contrary to the bylaws.**

My letter to Mr. Maxwell.

Not from Canada but I like how you operate!


Thanks! :slight_smile:

The number of hits on this Canadian section is a testament how many Canadian members from that other association come here to get the truth, that they will not get from their own association. OAHI has a long history of abuse of its members by a clique.

I guess Mr. Maxwell wouldn’t care to know that at least one RHI was caught using PEO designation of which he was not an engineer.

Or another recent member (RHI) who I reported to PEO for use of desginations he was not qualified to use. And when I reported that RHI to OAHI the reply that came back was I was more or less a hypocrite.

Or what about the other member who was charged with defrauding the school board of hundreds of thousands of dollars and found guilty by the courts?

Or what about a former Board of Examiners who had a member complaint buried to suit his buddies on the BOE agenda?

Or how about vote fixing, and proxy fixing?

Or how about serious questions to answers about the financial info?

Or how about other serious matters many do not even know about or have chosen to ignore because they have been intimidated?

Now you know why Cam Allen, myself and others have publicly called for a forensic audit!

I have rec’d a reply from Mr. Maxwell.

He asks what is the best way for consumers to find a reputable home inspector, if the RHI designation can’t be trusted.

If you folks would like and before I reply, … I can incorporate your answers into my reply.

Thank you.

Ray, there are many excellent inspectors in different associations, there are also some that are, shall we say not so excellent. :neutral: How does one find the truly qualified inspector. Do they go with a known franchise or perhaps just word of mouth, or maybe they know someone who had an inspection who found their inspector to be very thorough. I don’t know what the answer is or what to tell this guy. It’s buyer beware, I know I’m a good inspector (and modest :wink: ) I hear your a very good inspector as are many many of us out there. So how do we get the general public to be aware of who we are and how to find us? It will be interesting to hear some ideas.

How to find a reputable home inspector.

  • Check for affiliaions/memberships in Nachi, Ashi, CAHPI.
  • How long has the inspector been in biz?
  • Does the inspector subscribe to industry SOP/COE?
  • Can the inspector provide referrals?
  • Referrals from relatives, friends, co-workers
  • Referrals from realtors provided they provide three names of inspectors
  • Ask your insurer, mortgage lender, lawyer

a few that come to mind…

Using realtors for referrals is the last thing I’d recommend to anyone unless they were friends with the realtor. Remember, they make good money from a sale so who’s interest is primary in the transaction?

The only realtor that recommends me reguilarly is a long time 30+ year veteran that sold me my home. Others use me occasionally when there is a property that really needs a thorough, accurate inspection or when they, a family member or friend needs a good inspection. This happened 8-9 times in the past year…one guy used me twice for his soon-to-be-married daughter’s first home and for his retirement residence…haven’t received any other work from him in 16 months!!! A realtor building a $5-600,000 home on the water directly accross the road from me has never referred me but has called me twice about items for his new house…I seemed to be too busy those days…wonder how that happened.


While its a love hate relationship with realtors, there are some very professional and ethical agents. I know that because I have the privilege of working for a number of them. Having said that I know that these agents would only be recommending the best inspectors only when the client asks who is the best in their opinion. It stands to reason that a purchaser would naturally ask about inspectors and who they recommend or at the very least their feedback on the clients chosen inspector. Such information can verify and provide info on the consumers choice(s).

Actually, Ray, one of my 4 inspections this weekend was a referral (talked to client after last post) from a realtor- get 2-3-4 per year from this guy but they are all houses that need a really experienced inspector. This one yesterday was built in the 1930’s, had moisture in basement, lots of efflourescence, had crumbling concrete in some areas of foundation/floor slab, new steel jack post, few doors that would not close, had new electrical entrance and basement wiring, dated light fixtures upstairs and of course K+T wire (found 50-60% of total wiring)…that’s why I got the call…to figure this all out for first time young buyers!!

Other clients were: a mechanical engineer I inspected for 5-6 years ago, a young second time buyer and a lawyer + wife second time buyers looking at her parents home…both the second time buyers used one of the large franchisors for their first homes and didn’t want that experience again…found my Yellow Pages ad, went to my website and no further!!

Hope I can find some of those very professional, ethical agents you talk about!! The Independant Inspectors Association looks pretty good at times!!

Look for the C.M.I. designation for the solution to the designation question. C.M.I is the only INTERNATIONALLY recognized designation and trumps provincial and so called national wannabees!

I agree with all of these statements and would add: ask how many inspections the inspector will perform in a day? That is, how much time will he spend doing my inspection? Can I expect a thorough inspection or does he try to squeeze 6 in a day?

Oh, by the way, in our area with 25-30 or so inspectors/firms, it’s quite easy to hand out cards/names of at least 6-10 companies that do what I call “fluff” inspections… I have copies of some of these reports in my possession!!! So providing the names of 3 inspectors is no guarantee that you get much more than the SOP…which isn’t near enough, IMO.


         Barrie Home        Inspector      ](http://pr-gb.com/index2.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=20442&pop=1&page=0&Itemid=9)[http://pr-gb.com/images/M_images/printButton.png](http://pr-gb.com/images/M_images/printButton.png)     ](http://pr-gb.com/index2.php?option=com_content&task=emailform&id=20442&itemid=9)[http://pr-gb.com/images/M_images/emailButton.png](http://pr-gb.com/images/M_images/emailButton.png)            Written by EditorChoice                   Thursday, 20 September 2007         Roger Frost is the        Barrie Home Inspector, with over 26 years experience in home building and        performing inspections. During this time he has built up a professional        reputation in the Simcoe County area that is        unsurpassed.

Introducing a “Fair Pricing” policy has allowed his company, “Napoleon Home Inspections” to jump into the forefront with their $199.00 home inspection.

Offering a 100% Money-Back guarantee for 30 days after the client takes possession of their new home has solidified the “Barrie Home Inspector” as a true professional that stands behind his product.

Available seven days a week and at any hour that is convenient to the customer is another way of indicating the commitment that the Barrie Home Inspector has to his customers.

Book your “Risk Free” home inspection today. Get “Peace of Mind” when you make one of the largest investments that most people will make in their lives. Call Napoleon Home Inspections at (705) 795-8255 or pager number (705) 795-8255 today.

Barrie Home Inspector](http://pr-gb.com/"http://www.napoleon.cc/")

Roger Frost is a professional home inspector for Barrie and Simcoe County in Ontario Canada. Visit his site at http://napoleon.cc the “Barrie Home Inspector”.
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Courtesy of:MyArticlePub.com](http://pr-gb.com/‘http://www.myarticlepub.com/’)

Article Source: articleboy.com](http://www.articleboy.com/)

Can you spot the erroneous information?


[size=3]Home inspection

By JENNIFER ROSS Contributor
Sep 20 2007
One of the most important items you will ever buy is your home.
And a home inspector is there to help ensure you have made a sound investment.
A home inspector examines the condition of a home before a purchaser makes a commitment to buying the property.
They will check the roof, basement, heating system, water heater, air-conditioning system, plumbing and electrical.
They identify items that need repair and ensure safety standards.
Homeowners most often require a home inspection when they are considering purchasing a new home.
However, home inspectors will also inspect a house before it is sold, to show the owners any problems they might be unaware of.
And, they do pre-delivery inspections where a new home is inspected before the occupants move in.
“Home inspectors are generalists,” said Bill Sutherland, president of the Canadian Association of Home and Property Inspectors of British Columbia, CAHPI (BC), who also works as a home inspector. “We look at a building and its components as a system and check to see that each item functions properly for its specific purpose.”
When considering a home inspector Sutherland suggests hiring a CAHPI member.
That way you’ll be sure your inspector has adequate training and experience. To become a CAHPI member individuals must write a seven-part exam and achieve 80 per cent or higher to pass.
Then, every two years afterwards they must obtain 40 points – one point is awarded for each hour of education.
Two years ago this November a program was put forward by CAHPI which illustrated the national standards required for home inspectors.
One hundred and fifty applicants were chosen out of a group of 400 to work towards achieving National Certificate Holder status.
Last October 96 certificates were awarded, including one to North Vancouver resident Derek Jacques.
“The National certificate program NCP was introduced earlier this year and of the 115 home inspectors across Canada who have achieved National certificate holder status, 16 are from BC,” Sutherland said in a release.
The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation says the national certification program is the first and most important designation a consumer should look for when hiring a home inspector.
They recommend consumers check with CAHPI, the yellow pages and housing trade magazines to find a home inspector who meets the national certification standards.
“Buying a house is the biggest investment people will ever make,” said Sutherland. “If consumers use a house or home inspector to help them make an informed purchasing decision, that inspector should be trained, qualified and accountable.”
Over the past four years the number of CAHPI home inspector members has doubled, making it easier to find reputable inspectors.
In the Lower Mainland, a home inspection costs anywhere from $400 to $600. But, if they notice a hole in the roof of a home you’re thinking of buying, that few hundred dollars will have saved you thousands.
For more information on the Canadian Association of Home and Property Inspectors of BC, visit the CAHPI (BC) website at www.cahpi.ca.


one sentance says to make sure your inspector has the national certificate, while another says there are only 115 certificates across the whole country. Kinda seems hard to find one when ya need one.
One question Ray…when did CAHPI require an exam?

**"The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation says the national certification program is the first and most important designation a consumer should look for when hiring a home inspector. **
They recommend consumers check with CAHPI, the yellow pages and housing trade magazines to find a home inspector who meets the national certification standards."

Kinda jumps out at me. I have forwarded this to CMHC asking for an explanation. Think I’ll get one?