How would you report this?

Just wondering how everyone would report this?

Copper-Aluminum double tap.JPG

Only one wire shall be installed on each breaker or fuse unless the breaker is identified for such use**. **

Double tapping and lugging can create hot spots on breakers and neutral bars if not tightened to the correct torque and especially if two different size conductors are used. Because the hot and neutral wires are current carrying conductors, the chance is then greater for potential hot spots. If the double tap or lug becomes lose, it begins to arc. As it arcs it builds up carbon. Carbon is then resistance and with the more carbon buildup the more difficult it is for the conductor to make contact…thus increasing the current. End result can be the breaker tripping because of the loose connection (excessive current exceeding the rating of the breaker), or signs of overheating such as discolored wires, melted wires, etc, or worse yet…fire!****

**The minimum standard service allowed today in new construction is 100 amp. **
It appears your service capacity and rating is 60 amp which may be undersized
**for many of today’s modern appliances and needs. **
**This service may have been properly sized at the time of installation, but if modern appliances, computers, etc. are to be installed, the system may need to be up-graded to handle the increased demand. **

FUSED electric panels
**Circuit protection appeared to include fuses. Some insurance companies are declining to provide homeowner’s insurance if fused electric panels are present. Fuses also indicate an older panel which may not be up to current standards, and which might need to be upgraded depending on Client’s needs (computers, televisions, etc.). **

I’m sure somebody will recognize those paragraphs…I lifted them from this board, you know…

Looks like aluminum wire on one circuit.

“The system includes solid-core aluminum wire that has long been suspect, and generally with good reason. Aluminum wire does not conduct current as efficiently as copper wire and, inasmuch as it oxidizes, it can become an insulator instead of a conductor. Also, as a poor conductor, it has a tendency to expand and contract more, and thereby become loose at any one of the multiple connections,at switches and outlets, and elsewhere, and create a fire-hazard. Therefore, you should seek the counsel of a electrician who is familiar with this issue, and with the recommended procedures for correct the known deficiencies, such as Copalum crimping.”

Regarding the double-tap:

“One or more fuses inside the service equipment panel box was double-tapped” (multiple conductors terminating under one screw). Unless specifically allowed by the manufacturer, fuses are only designed for one current carrying conductor per terminating screw. Service by a licensed electrician is recommended."

Doesn’t this lug allow for 2 wires? Not alumimun and copper, but perhaps, 2 alumimum or 2 copper?

Doesn’t appear that way to me.

Where’s the electrical guys…???

Jae, how can you determine the amperage based on a photo of one fuse? (Could it be a sub-panel?)

If there was a flat, square piece under the screw, it** might** be allowed. But with the contact under the screw like that, the wires would not seat properly when the screw is turned.

It could be a sub panel, but I just wanted to supply as much as I could to cover all the bases. Pick out the part that best suits the report.

I believe it is the main panel, 15 amp

If I remember correctly, I think that the small plate, under the wires, had 2 grooves and that’s why I figured that it allowed 2 conductors.

This type allows 2 conductors but typically a fused panel doesn’t have this type of termination.

Thanks for all of the great responses. In the end, I did recommend have a certified electrician evaluate it further.