i am new home inspector , i need helping

Nick Will that include the ability to control an inspection remote control helicopter directly from the new improved Nachi site? And will I be able to control my helicopter from all the other 250 million Nachi websites? :mrgreen:

Where did you get that 250 million websites thing? Are you making things up again?

Okay I lied its not 250 million it’s as you quoted: Censorship Post 21 http://www.nachi.org/forum/showthread.php?t=32014&page=2

Darn, I hate it when I under exaggerate a claim made by you Nick. :smiley:

Okay I hate it when I under exaggerate a number quoted by you Nick. Its not 250 Million websites its 260 Million Websites. Post 21 Censorship


That’s pages, $hit for brains.

Dick you are correct. I misspoke. Let me give you the correct stats:

NACHI.org is 230,000 pages long.
NACHI.org gets close to 300 million hits/year.
All websites under our control total 4,500 +.
All webpages under our control total 430,000,000 to 610,000,000 (about 500 million). Too many to actually count by any method I have available.

The last stat is the most impressive considering that there are only 50,000,000,000 (50 billion) pages on the internet.

Can you validate those numbers? Even 230k is high.

Dick writes:

This from Selfseo.com http://www.selfseo.com/search_engines_index_report.php :

Below is the search engine index report for www.nachi.org

Search Engine Index Report** Search EnginePages indexed**Google40,400MSN Searchy,#sw_hdr,#sb_foot{background-color:#fff;color:#000;font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:small;margin:0;padding:0}a{color:#00c}a:visited{color:#6e4987}h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{margin:0;padding:0}h1{font-size:150%}h1,h1 a,h2,h2 a{color:#549c00;font-weight:normal}h2{font-size:120%}h3{font-size:120%;font-weight:normal}h4,h5,h6{font-size:100%}img{border:0}cite,.sb_cite{color:#008000;font-style:normal;word-wrap:break-word}#sw_page{text-align:center}#sw_width{margin:0 auto;max-width:990px;min-width:790px;width:990px;text-align:left}.sw_full #sw_width{max-width:none;width:auto}#sw_hdr,#sw_content{*display:inline-block;padding:0 10px}#sw_hdr,#sw_content,#sb_foot{margin:0 15px}.sw_full #sw_hdr,.sw_full #sw_content{padding:0}#sw_width .sw_nopad{margin:0}#sw_hdr:after,#sw_content:after,#sb_foot:after{clear:both;content:‘.’;display:block;height:0;visibility:hidden}.sb_count{color:#555;font-size:85%}.sb_meta,.sb_meta a,.sb_meta a:visited{color:#555;margin:0}.sb_alert{font-size:120%;color:#c00}.sb_alert a{font-weight:bold;font-style:italic}.sb_inlineheader h1{display:inline}.sbYahoo!200,824AlltheWeb73,600AltaVista217,000**Total531824**

Obviously they index fewer pages than exist.

Yahoo indexed 200,824.
Alta Vista indexed 217,000.

You can check your own site and other association sites if you like by going to http://www.selfseo.com/search_engines_index_report.php

You will find that www.nachi.org is the largest inspection related website in the world, by far.

But those thousands of webpages are a far cry from the 260 million. My website indicates that I have 560 webpages indexed. Obviously I don’t have 560 pages on my website but rather something around less than 20 pages. So to suggest that indexed webpages are actual pages is misleading in my opinion.

Uh, no. I’m not adding up all the search engines like selfseo does. If I did that it be even more (531,824 pages). I’m only looking at individual engines indexed pages. Basically one can assume that a site has at least as many pages as any one search engine has indexed.

Again from selfseo.com:

Yahoo indexed 200,824.
Alta Vista indexed 217,000.

My site has 12 pages, but selfseo.com has me with over 3,100 “indexed” pages.

I think your interpretation of this data may not be correct.

I’ll find out if there is another way to list all the page URL’s at www.nachi.org. We are moving servers and so I know we have about 230,000. I’ll try to figure out a way to prove it. You are correct in that these page counting sites inflate the #'s.

Don’t waste your time… It would be easy enough to dis-prove. All they have to do is start clicking and start counting. :mrgreen:

But, in the end what is the benefit of claiming that there are such high numbers of web pages?

Most things can be quantified: Number of approved courses, number of events, number of benfits, etc. InterNACHI enjoys the right to call themselves the “largest.” Another U.S. assocition last year was forced to stop calling themselves the largest and replaced it with “oldest.” We want to make sure they never switch back. We like that they are old. We like that we are the largest. Making sure that we are the largest in every quantifiable category is a way of maintaining our #1 position.

Does that help answer?

Anyway, you might be correct that page counting tools are inaccurate but they are probably fine to compare relative sizes of different websites.

That benefits NACHI, for sure, but has no bearing at all on my business.

How the multitude of pages is of value to me is that it represents a voluminous information resource…everything from the message board to the many links provided on it by the posters on the various subjects pertaining to home inspections.

Most of it is avialable to the public-at-large which is NACHI’s greatest benefit to the industry, IMO.

Does having that many indexed web pages assist in the claim Nachi is the largest? Largest by membership perhaps, but number of indexed pages does not relate to claims of being the largest association, only membership numbers define that in my opinion. Its like OAHI claiming to be the voice of home inspectors in Ontario, when we all know it doesn’t have a voice because it can’t deliver what it has been legislated to do.

Again, if anything is largest in all quantifiable categories, number of members, number of events, number of benefits, number of countries it is in, number of webpages, number of services, number of hits, whatever… then it is the largest.

InterNACHI is not only the largest overall… it is the largest in every quantifiable category.

In the U.S. we have what is called the Consumer Fraud Act, which is why ASHI had to stop calling themselves the largest. InterNACHI is the undisputed largest inspection trade association in the universe.

The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors is larger, but they count boat appraisors and stuff. Subtract all that out of there and InterNACHI is the largest inspection trade association ever. Largest in every category, largest overall.

And I’m hell bent on keeping our #1 position forever and ever.

What’s with this garbage? Try to help a guy and I’m told to “speek english”.

To the brainless twit who posted their “wisdom”. Its “speak” with an “a”, and “English” is capitalized, you hypocrite.

(http://www.nachi.org/forum/showthread.php?p=406272#post406272) 9/4/08 3:00 PM speek english

Most of it is avialable to the public-at-large which is NACHI’s greatest detriment to the industry in the long run! Just about anyone that watches HGTV, Mikey Holmes et al, has worked in the construction industry somewhere, sometime in any capacity down to laborer can simply and cheaply become a “certified” HI in as little as a few hours or by continually taking the test until they pass.

From a PM via the net about 5-6 months ago…very similar to the one Mario admitted to making:
“Its not a permanent thing (NACHI certification)…and definitely not something I’m proud to boast about, considering it took me all but 2 hrs. to become “certified”. Don’t worry, I’ve been listening to what you’ve been saying. This just had to be a first step for our company. I have people on my back to start doing inspections for them, and CAPHI wasn’t an option at this point in time.” (since he couldn’t get certified in 2 hours…my comment)

James, remember your old post about what NACHI is really about:

"Nick/NACHI are no different from any other vendor who makes money from idiotic licensing laws. While he does a somewhat effective job of concealing it, NACHI Tv is positioning itself to use licensing laws to sell its "advanced" courses on flashlight battery insertion, etc in response to state required CEUs.

Do not depend on NACHI or any other vendor of licensing paraphanalia to help you interfere with their income."

To which I replied something like the following and was quickly deleted by head office:
"Hear! Hear! JB
Thank-you for exposing NACHI for what it really is: A diploma mill and a vendor’s customer list "

Here it is in a nutshell…1…2…and 3:

(1) The easier it is to become an HI, (2) the more customers for the vendors and (3) the more that accrues to NICK somehow…He’s not doing this for his health!!

***Remember the ultimate INACHI brotherhood motto as the field gets overloaded with cheap and easily “Certified” HI’s: ***