Gerry, while this install is at least suspect as the downspout is being used as a raceway, we do have gutter and roof ice melting systems up here because of the potential of ice dams in the great white North.
That is a hard one.
This is not really a case of using the gutter as a conduit. The heat tape IS supposed to go up inside the leader.
I think the heat tape in the sealtite is an issue since it is supposed to be in free air. I think it would over heat inside the flexible conduit.
I do not have a pic of it coming out of the gutter.
Unless it was encluded in one of my roof shots by accident. (duh I know but that hatch weighed 100 pounds.)(caught the gutter run after the ladder was back.)
How secure is the conduit to the wall Bob? With the height it’s set at and the location, I’d be concerned with kids climbing on it and pulling it right off of the wall.
Bob I would bet any money you like that the UL listing for that heat tape does not include its installation within down spouts, I’ll also place the same bet on the down spout not being a UL listed raceway.
Oh Gerry that was the commercial inspection I told you about today and I used your drymarker trick, though the seller was trying to hustle me out at 5 -10 minutes a unit.
less than 4 hour inspection because of it and I am close to doing a camcorder with picture capture because of it.
Bob, I bet they do, still doesn’t make it right. you gotta go with your gut, if it looks phucked up it is normally a clear indicator that it is Phucked up :shock: