I love these Facebook layoffs

How is getting banned by social media any different than member(s) Kevin Wood being banned from this site?


I dont know how to do that Nick. Hopefully someone will let you know how…

I really don’t give a sh*t one way or another. I’m one of the hand full of “Boomers” that never had any interest in social media platforms such as FB, IG, TT and whatever is else is out there. I don’t care about “promoting” myself or my business on those platforms and never have had an interest in doing so.

You guys can have “fun” and then bitch about them. I have fun reading the bitching about them. Carry on!


I image that if they were in fact “hard working” they wouldn’t have been laid off.


The Turds at FB not only banned me, but they Deleted My Account and along with it Held MY Business page hostage for several months. What did I do to deserve this??? I was a Moderator (not creator) on a Family Friendly, Open Carry/ 2A page. I came back from a hunting trip to find my account Permanently Deleted and No way to contact the @ssholes (bots) at FB to even find out what went on and why they did this same thing to the other page moderators…We never did find out what was so offensive. They held my (inspection) Business FB page hostage (as I could no longer access it) …Along with it, they stole my personal/business content that was on that page, including photos, blogs and posts. It took me several months to finally get them to delete MY Business page. They harmed me and my business. If they lost their jobs Good! I just wish I could have personally fired their @$$es.— end of rant.


Pretty much same here. For about three weeks they made me change my password every time I logged in. Then shut down my account for breaching community standards. Then the finally said I could have my account back but I had to send them a copy of my government issued photo I’d to “insure” that I am me. I told them to piss off and just close the account.

I miss catching up with friends and family but other than that I couldn’t care less.


That was an excellent rant Larry! :+1:

There are horror stories everywhere. Check this one out.

left Mark with a much larger problem, one that would cost him more than a decade of contacts, emails and photos, and make him the target of a police investigation.

Mark didn’t know it, but Google’s review team had also flagged a video he made and the San Francisco Police Department had already started to investigate him.

What the article does not tell you is that Google sent ALL of his cloud data to the police (all photos, all text messages, all emails), no search warrant…no nothing. The police basically had his whole life on file.


As stated above! :rofl: You guys keep them coming and me laughing…




Ok, so I don’t feel as bad anymore. They probably at least have family to go home to.

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Wow, could you imagine be sent home while witnessing what is going on at our border?


Unbelievable. FB censors are scumbags.

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They abuse the law, specifically section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. They act as editors and publishers and then crookedly hide behind the law granting them immunity as they are not publishers.

Trump, whatever you may think of him, was going to limit or abolish 230 imo correctly. So Kuckaburger spent $$$$ 419 million dollars on PACs and nonprofits promoting ‘election assistance’ almost all of which gave a huge advantage to Deomocrats.

Suppression of the Punter Biden crack/prostitute, Burisma, Chinese hedge fund story was of incalculable monetary assistance.

Total scumbag Uckaburger. The world would be much better off without him and his ilk.


I’ll just leave this here.

I love the line “I’m sorry Mr. Dunsonson, we’ve decided to go in a different direction”


This guy destroyed Twitter and my grandsons admiration for him in less than a month.

It’s funny watching rich people who think they’re smarter than everyone else making an ass of themselves.

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I like the Twitter “layoffs”


Destroyed Twitter? I have been having more fun on Twitter since he took it over than ever before.
It’s great not being afraid that if you say something the robot doesn’t like, you’ll get canned.
All my friends are coming back!


Wow. I only use Google drive to back up inspection reports. Then I transfer them off.

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What did you say that they used as an excuse to ban you?

Facebook has laid off a bunch of people but the media is only focusing on twitter lol. Such leftist propaganda. I was one of thousands laid off 5 years ago at a billion dollar company. It was rough but that’s life. These people will swing back. Cuts are sometimes necessary. It’s not “evil” to take the high ground.

Freedom of speech necessitates unpopular speech, otherwise there is no freedom of speech. All musk has done has allowed the last 250 years of free speech to continue in his privately owned company. If that offends you, you’re part of the problem.