ICC Certification Information.

For those who are interested. Here is the info I found so far. If someone has a IRC 2006 book for sale please let me know. Thanks!!

Book I’m looking for…

Exams I plan on taking…

The first one I plan on taking is the B1 exam right below. I’ll the rest I’ll do as time permits. Does any one recommend taking another other exams for our profession?

B1 Residential Building Inspector
50 multiple-choice questions — Open book—2-hour time limit For expanded outline, go to www.iccsafe.org/certification/inspector
**Content Area % of Total Reference
**Code Administration 4% 2006 *International Residential Code®
*Building Planning 8%
Footings and Foundations 16%
Floor Construction 14%
Wall Construction and Coverings 27%
Roof/Ceiling Construction and Penetrations 14%
Public Safety 17%
**Total 100%
*M1 Residential Mechanical Inspector
**60 multiple-choice questions — Open book—2-hour time limit For expanded outline, go to www.iccsafe.org/certification/inspector
**Content Area % of Total Reference
**General Administration 7% 2006 *International Residential Code®
*Heating and Cooling Equipment and Water Heaters 29%
Exhaust Systems 6%
Duct Systems 8%
Combustion Air 19%
Chimneys and Vents 20%
Fuel Supply Systems 11%
**Total 100%

E1 Residential Electrical Inspector
**60 multiple-choice questions — Open book—2-hour time limit For expanded outline, go to www.iccsafe.org/certification/inspector
**Content Area % of Total References
**General Requirements 10% 2006 *International Residential Code®
*Services 17% 2005 *National Electrical Code
*Branch Circuit and Feeder Requirements 28% (optional secondary reference)
Wiring Methods and Power and Lighting Distribution 21%
Devices, Lighting Fixtures, and Appliances 19%
Swimming Pools and Similar Installations 5%
**Total 100%

**P1 Residential Plumbing Inspector
60 multiple-choice questions — Open book—2-hour time limit For expanded outline, go to www.iccsafe.org/certification/inspector
**Content Area % of Total Reference
**General Requirements 14% 2006 *International Residential Code®
*Fixtures 8%
Water Heaters 12%
Water Supply and Distribution 21%
Sanitary Drainage 23%
Vents 22%
**Total 100%

First time testers read this…

Fees is about $110 a test. $160 if you take the computer version.

Complete details to include sign up forms…




What you really need is the loose-leaf book with the Turbo-Tabs.

2006 International Residential Code® For One- And Two-Family Dwellings (loose leaf)

Turbo Tabs - 2006 IRC Loose Leaf

The reason you want the loose leaf version is so that you add your own pages to the book. My partner (Greg Bell) and myself have written an extensive exam prep for these exams and in our course we share how to set up your book for quick access during exam time, you can check us out here.

Assurance Check, LLC

BTW I am already an R5 (Residential Combination Inspector) having passed all four exams, go here & type Burkeson in the search window.

If you want to be head and shoulders above the rest get ICC Certified!

Joseph Burkeson & Greg Bell have put together a terrific program and
I highly recommend it!

I suggest that you contact Joe ASAP.



I can’t access your site right now. How much is your exam prep? Also, I see after checking your name your certifications expire in 09. Do you have to repay and retest to keep them going?


Billy, I’d recommend the Assurance Check program. I signed up for it well over a year ago but was not able to make it to a class, but I made full use of the software. It was very helpful.

I still need to take the electrical and plumbing tests. Maybe later this year.

I have one question - there are a lot of people out there that say they are ICC certified, but their names never come up in the search on the iccsafe.org website. What gives??

Yes I agree. That needs investigated. How much is the Assurance Check program? I can’t gain access to the site right now.

Q: Once you past a test say the first one B1. Can you display the logo on your site without joining up as a member of ICC to get discounts?
