What is the best way to recognize EIFS vs regular stucco?
Why would you ask in 2 sections?
This is the second post today by you did you not get enough information the first time http://www.nachi.org/forum/showthread.php?t=6921
Michael L. Stanford
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NACHI Member
User Name: mstanford
Location: Washington Terrace, UT
Posts: 5
Identifying EIFS
What is the best way to identify EIFS vs regular stucco?
Roy Cooke
Easy… knock on it like you’re knocking on a door. If your knuckles bleed its real stucco
And of it sounds hollow it is most likely EIFS.
Guys - Quit jerking the guy around. Do like we do - drill a hole in it and look.
Or ask the neighborhood
**:mrgreen: **
Go here and learn
You guys really can’t just look at it and tell?
Thats allright there is alot of smart people on this board who know more about the rest of the houses then I do!
Sure, but how do you tell someone else how to do that on a BB. Like trying to describe an elephant to a blind man.
I asked the exact same questions 2+ years ago…
EIFS has no weep screed…1st check. EIFS has no metel screen… Pull a plate… See metel screen?
There are some other ways , but this should do it.
It really is easy once you know what to look for…
I had the hardest time with this, now I can see it a foot away…
Most of the hard cote stucco in the kansas city metro has no weepscreed either.
Weepscreed is overated. The caseing bead /66/stop/j-trim has holes in the back of it to let the water out also.
And it -weepscreed is ugly! And the corner beads crack out more when you use weepscreed. When 66/caseing bead is used the beads sit in a pocket and are less likely to crackout. When the caseing bead is folded around the corner and not cut.
I am talking about "weep screed’ with weep holes at the bottom of a hard coat system… You cant see it.
are you talking about the 66/caseing bead with the holes in the very bottom like western onecote says is ok with their system?
This is a picture of weepscreed and it is from az.
Western two coat…(8’)
I was just looking this up yesterday.
Synthetic Stucco or EIFS is soft and sounds hollow when tapped.
Traditional Stucco is hard and bittle, and sounds solid when tapped.
Signs of stucco problems could include:
Mold or mildew on the interior or exterior of the home.
Swollen wood around door and window frames.
Blistered or peeling paint.
Cracked EIFS or cracked sealant.
I hope this is helpful, I would wecome any furture info that anyone else my have.
Russ Ackerman