Originally Posted By: brenden weir This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
i am trying to get a state certification in illinois. home inspectors are regulated by the illinois OBRE (office of banks and real estate) they require 60 hours of study before you can take the state test. they allow home study and internet based instruction, but the provider must be approved by the OBRE.
Question: does anyone know of an instruction provider that is approved by the illinois OBRE?[/b]
Originally Posted By: rhinck This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I attended and graduated from AHIT last year. I was very satisified with the instruction both from a technical side as well as from the "practical" or "people" side. What I mean is that they offered alot as far as the business of HI. I came home feelling well trained, studied 2 weeks and took and passed the Illinois exam. I recommend them!
Originally Posted By: ekartal This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi Brenden,
Can't help you with school selections near St.Louis (Jack In The Box country  ). The OBRE web site should help.