Originally Posted By: gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Buyer's agents (agents working with home buyers) having a fiduciary duty to their client (the home buyer) and a responsibility to help them throughout the entire home buying process.
Buyer's agents should not be steering their clients away from certified home inspectors just because these inspectors haven't paid to join their Concierge program.
If a buyer's agent is going to recommend home inspectors to their client they should (and have a contractual obligation to) recommend the best inspectors, not the inspectors that pay the most.
Toward that end I have asked several of my REALTOR friends who are active in legislative and ethics matters to intercede on our behalf and end this practice... quietly.
I don't want to cause a big stink, I just want the home inspectors categories to be removed from Concierge programs.
Originally Posted By: rspriggs This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Go, Nick!
I’m not sure if I mentioned to you when you were here at the Loveland (attempted Anti-NACHI Home Inspectors Legislation) Meeting that a local office of a RE Franchise with a deeply-seated Concierge Program tossed my brochures. And brochure holder. Several times.
Each time I asked where my info went, I got a new song and dance tune. Finally, somebody accidentally told me that “Regional” was through on an inspection, and all “other” brochures had to be removed.
When “removed” was defined, I had to work at keeping my calm when I asked why I was not simply asked to (personally) remove my (personal possession) materials.
My plexi bro holders had my name & # on the bottom, an attractive label on the front, and a couple dozen brochures in them - each time.
You can imagine why I have not set foot back in that franchise.
Originally Posted By: jfarsetta This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Coldwell Banker’s Concierge Program was ordered to cease and desist including home inspectors in Florida some time ago.
Some Coldwell Offices are corporate, some are owned by NRT. The scary thing is that Coldwell also owns Century 21 and ERA, and now... Realtor.com
Concierge and similar programs could really hurt many an inspector. It is also no guarantee you'd get a single referral. Its funny how the program (doesn't) always work as intended.
Go get 'em Nick...
-- Joe Farsetta
Illigitimi Non Carborundum
"Dont let the bastards grind you down..."
Originally Posted By: ekartal This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Did they say why they tossed your stuff? BTW Loveland is my favorite city. I was in the Big Thompson canyon the day before the deadliest flood in U.S. history. Amen. 
Originally Posted By: rspriggs This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
ekartal wrote:
Did they say why they tossed your stuff? BTW Loveland is my favorite city. I was in the Big Thompson canyon the day before the deadliest flood in U.S. history. Amen. 
You are the 2nd person who has told me they were there the day before - - -any campers would have been recycled into fish food in THAT flood!
"Regional" did not want "stuff" "laying around".
That's as good an explanation as I was going to get. I heard the message!
Originally Posted By: jpeck This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
jfarsetta wrote:
Its funny how the program (doesn't) always work as intended.
Actually it does work as intended.
As long as you realize it is intended to line the pockets of the real estate agents and brokers.
Think about it. 4 HI companies paying $xxxx to list with them, and then not getting 100% guaranteed referrals from that office. Of course it is working as intended. 
Originally Posted By: rray This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Without seeing the fine print in the Concierge advertising contracts that currently exist, I have no comment concerning that type of advertising at the moment.
In my own situation, about two years ago I was asked by Coldwell Banker out here to join their Concierge program, and I considered it. After reading the fine print and going over the contract with my attorney, I declined. They basically wanted me to turn control of my company over to them. Couldn't do that. In discussing the situation with Coldwell Banker, they said that they couldn't delete the offending paragraph but that "the paragraph has never been enforced." Well, I didn't want to be first. I believe at the time that the cost was $100 a month, but I don't remember for sure.
Originally Posted By: dharris This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I was one of 40 plus inspectors , [no nachi members were present that i’m aware of] that attended the meeting to get this change , should’t the credit go to the az inspectors regardless of what org they belong to, that took the day off work to get this change?
Originally Posted By: tallen This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Thanks to Dan ,and all of the HI’s in AZ who helped to get this legislation passed.
I have noticed that some offices still do not allow me to leave flyers at there offices as I am not on their list. Is this a violation of the BTR's decision? Or does these offices have a loophole
What was the date this was to be enforced?
-- I have put the past behind me,
where , however, it now sits, making rude remarks.
Originally Posted By: rray This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
It doesn’t say anything about advertising with the concierge programs though.
The program that I was asked to participate in here used the word "advertising" and never promised any referrals, direct or indirect. I would simply be advertising.
Until there is some agreement on what is advertising and what are direct and indirect referrals, the concierge programs will remain strong.