Employment as a Home Inspector with FEMA
Are you interested in working with FEMA as a home inspector and assisting others in response to major weather events, such as Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma?
We have been asked by FEMA to have InterNACHI® home inspectors register with Vanguard Emergency Management (Vanguard EM) today. It is imperative that you take a few minutes today to register within the portal as soon as possible, regardless of whether or not there is a present weather event.
Please contact Vanguard Emergency Management (VEM). You can access the VEM inspector portal by visiting www.vanguardem.com and selecting “Become an Inspector."
Once you have completed the registration, you must log in to the portal and add the referral code “BISCO” (without the quotes).
Please follow the instructions below:
Log into the portal using username and password created during the registration process.
Click My Profile.
Click Additional Info.
Within the Additional Info screen, there is a drop down for Referred By.
In the Referred by Drop Down, please select BISCO.
If you are already connected with VEM, we appreciate availability and response when contacted by VEM staff.
Your main contact for this FEMA opportunity for home inspectors is Marvin Goldstein at mgoldstein@inspectpro.com and (215) 357-8055. For all questions related to the FEMA application and the VEM portal and processes, please contact Marvin Goldstein.
I just filled out the registration and then logged in and added BISCO as my referral code. I did not add anyone in the referring person field. Sounds like a great opportunity.
Sign up and find out. You said you wanted to do something different…here’s your chance to help out. I’d do it, but I’m getting too old for disaster work.
I’m no spring chicken either and do not want to waste my time if someone else already knows any of the answers I would appreciate their answers.
The reason I feel that way as anytime I have ever seen anything similar it never seems to be a good deal for the Inspector “guy doing the work” But thanks for the advice anyhow.
It has been my experience that you are responsible for for travel and expenses. The challenge will be lodging. If you are independent with an RV this is a great opportunity. I know inspectors who make as much in a couple of storms as an entire year of inspections.
I know that sounds bad but it is the truth. FEMA needs inspectors and we are experts at what we do.
Thanks Rob. Best of Luck to all who go. For me to go I would have to have food, lodging, food and all travel expenses and at a min $300.00 per day working no more than 8hr a day. I have no RV any longer nor the Flats boat I would have been there with already if it were 10 years ago
How many can one do a day? At $35 an inspection it would take forever to make some decent money it seems. This sounds more for someone who wants to give back and help those in need rather than a way to make a lot of money. I know electrical workers love it though cause those guys get good money during disaster.
Electrical workers do well if they are with electric companies. Many are from out of state and work a lot of hours with time and a half and probably double time on Sundays and holidays.
I believe the reimbursement is $35 to $45 per house based on how many inspections you have under your belt. FEMA will pay for all transportation including airfare, car rental (mile reimbursement if you are using your own vehicle), lodging, food, etc. You are required to keep accurate records. You will also be deployed a min of 7 days with an average expected inspection rate of 6 homes a day. FEMA provides a tablet.
Its not great money but this early in my career I’m jumping at the opportunity. Plus I figure any help I can provide using my skill set (home inspector/construction experience) to help these people in TX and LA, then I’m in.
Just curious…I have completed registration, and during the step to update profile with “Referred By” I noted that InterNachi is an option in the dropdown. Just want to confirm the correct selection is “BISCO”?
I would be concerned about your business dying doing this for a couple of months. I also heard FEMa did not want experienced inspectors. They would rather train newbee’s. I could almost ride my bike to the disaster areas around Houston.