Increase your inspection business in 5 easy steps. $1.99.

Good Price

Slightly less than cost. Way less than an individual can print them for. Plus if you order 100 soon we ship for free and send you 110.

Also, start advertising on your website: “My inspection reports come with this free manual” and include a PIC of the book on your website.

**Aside from being a fantastic marketing tool…

Check the title of this book…

Now that you’ve had a home inspection…

The spirit of the book is to set the home buyer’s sight upon their responsibilities as a home owner.

The book should be given after the home inspection is complete. Place it right under the home inspection report.

  • The home inspection is complete.
  • Give them the report.
  • Client can make educated decisions about their purchase based upon the report.
  • Next, you give them the book.
  • Client can make educated decisions about maintaining their home’s condition.

The book takes them to the next step… Understanding home ownership and the responsibilities that comes with it.

**The book has a message: **
The inspector has done his/her job. Now it’s up to the Client to assume responsibility.

The** message of this book adds protection **to the inspector.

Check out the first 30 pages. (112-page book)
Book is now for sale…Just $1.99 each
(any quantity you want… however, read next line below…)
**BONUS DEAL… **Order 100 books by April 21, 2009 and receive:

  • 10 additional books for FREE! ($20 value)
  • Shipping & handling for FREE! ($25 value)
  • Online training video for FREE! ($60 value)

Free Training Video with Your Book Purchase!
“Inspecting Water Heater Tanks”](

Order 100 books by April 21, 2009 and get a NACHI.TV online training video for FREE!

You will receive the “Inspecting Water Heater Tanks” training video. 4 CE credits. $60 value. Course details here.


This bonus deal is retroactive for those who have placed book orders already. :slight_smile: