Infrared Certified Training Course

I enjoyed the First Infrared Certified Training Course by John McKenna and Will Decker on 26-27-Jan-08

Nice presentations by Home Inspectors with training and experience in thermal imaging for Home Inspectors, who own and have already started using IR cameras.

I liked the small audience of home inspectors with diverse backgrounds and experiences, interesting discussions and comfortably seated in my office during a cold and rainy week-end!

Conference calls worked well with the downloaded documents, although I prefer on-line format interactive video conferences. However, I understand the risk of PC crashing in the middle of the seminar. Tests would also be easier in interactive format like NACHI tests.

Not only it is a cheaper seminar than the Building Science Seminar ($1,600 fee + airfare + hotel and meals), but also for and only for home inspectors without interferences from the IR camera manufacturers (I do not have a FLIR!) and from other professionals.

I hope they will offer a Level II next year and why not later a Level III for home inspectors offering consultation in moisture intrusion, insulation issues, etc.