We have made our way into the IR field and we are looking at taking the IR webinar class on Oct. 25 and 26 with John McKenna. Looking for feedback from others who took the course and if it was a good introduction to understanding this new field for us. Any help with links to other conversations would be appreciated, thanks.
ITC is having a webinar today. You might find it interesting. May even learn something. Check this out https://www1.gotomeeting.com/join/837771297/106833442
Are these accessible after they are aired?
I don’t know. This one is at 2pm ET today. You need to sign up for it, but I can’t find where I signed up. There is a link in this forum somewhere, I’ll look for it and post it if I find it.
Okay, I found the signup page…http://infraredtraining.com/view/?id=60710
They do have live and recorded.
Frank, thank you for the help and link, been looking forward to get into this area for awhile.
Dear Scot:
Welcome to the world of infrared thermography!
For your training, you may also wish to check out Infraspection Insitute’s IR Inspections for Home & Building Inspectors. Normally priced at $995, this online course is available to InterNACHI members for only $195 - a savings of $800!
Course completion qualifies for 16 hours of continuing education by the InterNational Association of Certified Home Inspectors and meets the training requirements for their Infrared Certified professional designation and logo. Best of all, you may apply course hours towards a future Level I certification should you decide to advance your training with us.
You may also wish to check out our free online webinar, SuccessIRies 102 - IR Inspections for Home & Building Inspectors. This short course provides an introduction to infrared thermography, how it is applied to buildings and building subsystems, along with ways to ensure one’s future success.
We look forward to working with you and supporting your future thermographic endeavors.
Go with Jim…
You’ll be glad you did in the long run.
Ditto - Go with Jim.
Go with John…
What would be some of the differences from your training vs. the other training content wise?
ITC has classes in California and Las Vegas. Nice to have live instruction.