Inspecting CSST: reference page on my website

Inspecting CSST, with checklist and images.

Tried to cover the basics without going into too much detail. Installed links to major manufacturers installation guides.



Is this really CSST? Looks like flex gas connector to me. Just wanted to confirm.

One additional question:
I visited a condo building where the gas was on one side of the building and the electrical meters/rod on the other side definitely more than 75’ away. The condo was a third floor unit on the other side of the building and CSST started somewhere in the building after the meters. Would this situation warrant bonding/grounding to a new rod at the gas meters so that all CSST in the building is protected?

And thank you for putting this together. Haven’t come across CSST grounded yet and the visual on method is super useful.

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Aaron your state SOP requires you to include in the report the presence of CSST with the following disclaimer:

(3) Presence of CSST gas piping with the recommendation that the bonding of the CSST be reviewed by a licensed master electrician.

Unless you are a licensed Maryland Master Electrician you would be foolish to even suggest that the CSST was properly bonded.

Despite that I can tell you that the most common bonding method I encounter occurs directly at the meter (outdoors).

That is an appliance connector.

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Yes, I know about the required and bold disclaimer for my report. They certainly made it look scary to readers. And I would not want to tell someone verbally something that contradicts what I am going to put in my report so I completely agree that I would not offer judgement to proper bonding. But there is a difference between the disclaimer and whether I see bonding even present. My question about the condo was more for my own understanding. Seems like bonding at the gas meters to their own rod would be present in the situation I described would be expected?

Yes, I agree for the scenario you describe. I have seen bonding to water pipe and then discover the water supply is polyethylene, so you know that won’t work!

As Martin stated the picture posted looks like appliance connector.

F for effort on that bonding method! :rofl:

Thanks for the confirmation Bob! Even better since you are in MD with me.

It looks like appliance connector to me too. I just talked with the electrical contractor in Dallas (with branches all over Texas) from whose website that image came. He still claims it’s CSST. I don’t believe him. When I asked him about confirming, he told me that CSST can be recognized by its installation using a manifold, but that doesn’t identify the pipe as CSST, that’s just the installation configuration. I didn’t argue with him, but I’m taking that image down.

And… it just goes to show how much bad information there is on the internet. Or at least this seems bad. Sometimes it’s hard to tell…

It’s not just the Internet… the tradesmen are not what they used to be. Today, they just learn enough to get paid – rarely do they have pride in what they do. People assume just because someone has a license or works in the industry they must be educated on the subject. I meet roofers that don’t know what a kickout flashing is and plumbers that cannot tell double check valve apart from RPZ quite frequently. Yes, they all work doing “it” everyday.

As you say, that’s just the installation configuration. In fact the publication you mention on your site (ANSI LC-1/CSA6.26) specifies that CSST wil be identified by markings on its jacket.

Tubing shall bear a permanent marking of the following:
a) rated pressure of 5 lb/in2 or 25 lb/in2 (34.5 kPa or 172.5 kPa);
b) the Equivalent Hydraulic Diameter (EHD) (see Clause 5.10.3);
c) the words “FUEL GAS”;
d) the words “Arc‐Resistant” or acronym “AR” for CSST design‐certified to the requirements in Clause
5.16, Arc resistant jacket or covering system (optional); and
e) identification with the following marking:
f) “ANSI LC 1 • CSA 6.26(‐year)”.

Apparently there’s CSST available from home improvement stores that looks a lot like gas appliance connector

This is Pro-flex, from Lowes.

I see Ohio isn’t the only state with limitations on who can verify bonding.

Looks closely… they look similar to CSST but not the same. The ribs on CSST are less pronounced and the fitting sit flat against the tubing, not like on the connector pictured.

I know, I agree, but I didn’t see it personally. I’m still looking for decent photos.

Show him this.

He’s some old electrician down in Dallas and I’m in CO. I’m not going to try arguing with him. He’s just going to say it wasn’t Gastite.

Now I’m really confused. CHECK THIS OUT.

Technically they are both CSSTmaterial. One is a gas connector that is corrugated stainless steel. The other is just generically known as CSST. Very different product usually comes on a large spool with a few hundred feet of tubing. I put some of it in in the 90s and I’m not very impressed. There’s no substitute for threaded black iron pipe.

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That is for sure, Martin! :smile:

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I put in enough CSST to hate it. Breath on a joint and it leaks. One thing that hasn’t been mentioned is the high pressure gas installed to the manifold. The manifold sometimes needs to have a vented regulator as well. Now you’re running 1/8” tubing as a vent.