Originally Posted By: twheeler This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
There are around 15 Inspection companies in the area. They simply go to a house, fill out a form with a checklist, and hand over a binder of over 300 pages of information. The people that recieve it, hardly ever read the info.
A matter of fact, before starting my home inspection business, I interviewed over 200 people in the area with regards to the inspection process, 197 people were dissatisfied with the report, they insisted that if there were pictures in the reports, it would make alot of the information clearer.
Originally Posted By: dduffy This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
You should be doing well then. I saw a checklist yesterday from an inspection company here in Phoenix that inspected one of my investment properties for a buyer…pretty pathetic.
I didn't know anyone still used them, man you could sure zip through an inspection using them, and probably zip yourself right to court, from what I saw.
Originally Posted By: phinsperger This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I seldom take pictures. Mostly because;
- it slows me down to take the photo
- it slows me down putting the photos into the report
- 1 less tool (the camera) to carry
- they use alot of ink to print out in the report
- I document as I go so I don't need it to remember stuff
- most of my photos turn out pretty crappy anyway