Does anyone have a good Inspection website template they are willing to share?
I want to try and see what I can do making a site… Just messing around with it.
Not sure what platform you need it for, but I use OnePress on WordPress. The “hero” image can throw things off if you use an image with the wrong dimensions… I’m not terribly happy with the one on my site right now, but the beauty is when I do come across a house/property or two where I like how they “feel” - I will be able to easily change that hero pic.
I guess I like how clean the site is and the simplicity of the layout, and it seems to be reasonable with speed, though I wouldn’t necessarily call it light weight, but it’s also not a hog either, and it’s responsive to/for mobile/tablet devices.
PS: My site is still under construction as I am tweaking text and graphics. I plan on purchasing the Carson Dunlop illustrated home images package so some items don’t even have an image yet.
PPS: I have the same theme/template running on my outdoor services site, with a somewhat different look, but that too is “under construction” at the moment and turned off to the public.
Try googling free website templates. There are also some free WYSWYG web page editors (Kompozer) but I just use Notepad ++ (need some understanding of HTML.
“Back in the day” as the kids would say, if you wanted to output to a printer you had to include special symbols to tell the printer what to do (line feed, space, carriage return, etc.) HTML is pretty similar (more complex) in that your content is intermixed with symbols and notations that tell where and how every element should be displayed on the screen.