Inspectors booth manned by member Philippe Heller of
Thanks Philippe!
Inspectors booth manned by member Philippe Heller of
Thanks Philippe!
Hello, My name is Ronald Harris. I’m a home inspector in the City Los Angeles, CA. And i’m interested in joining can someone contact me and let me know if i should attend the event in San Deigo 4/24/2015. You can contact me at: 310-596-9746 Thank you
No, a phone won’t work. I guarantee that nearly all the questions you have will require us to send you a live link (something that we can’t do with a phone) to answer. So email me at
Amusing. CREIA (California Real Estate Inspection Assoc) had a booth at this Expo. A bunch of old guys. Literally they we all limping around. They actually came to our booth and said “when we are ready to step up to the ‘big time’” we should join CREIA.
I politely reminded them that we are the largest inspection company in San Diego, and we are NACHI certified. He was offended, but oh well. These guys are like the stereotypical union guys. It’s funny but most of the low price guys down here are CREIA members.
I attended a local CREIA meeting, and I noticed the same thing. And they didn’t seem interested in welcoming younger blood. Which makes me think in a few years they won’t exist when all their members retire.