Thanks Nick. This is the type of information, made available to us for free that we would have had to pay and pay and pay for, if it was even provided by any other Canadian Home Inspection org.
As always, another great informative article. Thanks Nick!
Original post DELETED.
Paul Can you tell me where I can get a free copy of the building code
Thanks …Cookie
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This is what I got when I went to that link:
The specified result list contains no documents
There was a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed.
HTTP 404.7 - The specified result list contains no documents
Technical Information (for support personnel)
Browser Type:
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/523.10.6 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0.4 Safari/523.10.6
GET /isysquery/44fec9bb-92b2-490f-b897-f08f66cb8458/3/frame-body/
Tuesday, 12 February 2008 00:56:44 UTC
Original post DELETED.
Original post DELETED.
Paul, I think that one “free” code is out-dated - 1992. I still can’t find the BC code for free. The Alberta code I purchased recently (2006) was $250. It was worth it. Really good stuff, well written, better than the IRC in my opinion.
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And it is in French, Marcel will like that;-)
Original post DELETED.
Ya that’s the one I meant to say, :roll: copied the wrong link. thanx
I enjoy volunteering my time to InterNACHI. Alberta code is very well written. Best code I’ve seen. Well organized, concise, and all numerically outlined. Better than IRC imho. I learn a lot from Canadian inspectors.
I echo the sentiment of those thanking Nick G., it’s just another example his positive attitude and proactive approach that has built NACHI.
As for those making note that there is already the same or a parallel document available free from the Canadian government, OK, fine, thank you for the info and the links.
But enough with the griping and complaining. It seems that complaining has become a national past time.
I don’t care where the information comes from or that it is available elsewhere or in a different format. All information is welcome. It is not property. We’re in an information business. Think in terms of wikinomics (please look that up) not ownership.
We are here to provide information and support for our fellow members, not snipe at them about the source, the format or BS territorial issues.
That being said, it is very educational to present the US and Canadian variations side by side. It should be mentioned to our southern neighbors that although metric terms and measures are on the official documents, very few actually use them or think in metric terms for building applications. We automatically convert or give our clients useful terms, carpenters and contractors work in inches, and no one expresses force terms in metric.
Robert Butler
Aspect Inspection
Exactly! All of our lumber is still sold in imperial measure except paint and other similar products. That is a gal of paint is 3.89 liters or 1 US gal. An imperial gal equals 4.5 liters. Free trade caused this anomaly. As for free codes. In your dreams baby! There is no such thing. If you Want a current code you pay.
The National Research Council comes out with a new recommended code every ten years 1965–75–85–95–2005. Alberta then makes some revisions to suit our local conditions and adopts the code two years later. They beat the clock by a few months so we have a 2006 ABS code. That is what Ben is using. The pther provinces follow much the same procedure.
Have a good day!