Internachi-Wind Mitigation course?

Currently! As of 11/2011, does this course satisfy all State of Florida requirements (insurance company requirements) to do a wind mitigation inspection and sign off on the inspection form as a licensed Home inspector only … not a GC? As a new inspector this information seems hard to get a hold of! Many thanks!

Sure does, as far as I know . It is actually a pretty good course… The more the merrier. Welcome to the State where anyone can do an inspection of anything. You too are now entitled to make a million dollars doing wind mits. But wait there’s more in a short while the form will change yet again and there will never be any consistency.

Yes it does

I’m not going to mention names, but I ran into two inspectors, working at Home Depot, who do Wind Mitigations and Four-points inspections. How many more inspectors, does Florida need. Everyone I talk to knows an inspector, time to rethink this profession. I had a call for Wind Mitigation and was told my price was ridiculous they have an inspector doing them for $28.00.

I called :slight_smile: or I should say :frowning:

I was going to do a wind mit and 4 point for a friend after telling them I would not do their home inspection. I told them since we have been friends for 20+ years I would do it for $100. My 4 point is always at least $125. They said they had a guy that would do both for that and jump thru the scheduling hoops the realtor had. I told them to take it.

This whole profession has gone into the toilet since Licensing has taken place. It now makes any idiot with a license a pro. The prices wars will continue and those with real experience will suffer.

Home Inspectors used to be able to say why they were experienced. Now because of licensing the clients that say yeah I need the “ahh home inspection that is required” only care about price. They are idiots and so are those who wanted and gave us licensing. Any time someone tell you they need the inspection that is required you might as well send them to the low price scumbag in your area because all they care about is doing whatever is required to get into the house they likely cannot even afford.

Those who wanted it enjoy it those who did not sorry. Maybe there is another way to make a decent living out there for you. Try something you love :slight_smile:

Did you mean inspection depot?

It’s not only FL CILB-approved, but it also counts for home inspector CE with FL DBPR:

Once you pass the course do you need to register with any state or insurance body i.e.,safe your home? I passed and am looking to get inspection ready.
John knapp

You do not need to do squat. “Poof” you are a wind mitigation inspector :slight_smile:

Have fun. Now is the sweet time of year. You may wish to sub them out come June. What areas do you cover?


“I was going to do a wind mit and 4 point for a friend after telling them I would not do their home inspection. I told them since we have been friends for 20+ years I would do it for $100”

Mike, must not have been more than acquaintance. Otherwise wouldn’t you take care of all of it for free (beers)?

Nope. I do to give much away for free now days. I am friends with my barber, dentist, accountant, etc… and none of them work for beers nowadays. I take care of those on my block and those who can return the favor in some way. And family.

If I also have to deal with a Realtor and a current homeowner and their schedules and travel. $100 is free enough in my opinion.

Heck in the good ole days I never charged anyone I knew over cost on anything. I gave until it was all gone :slight_smile:

Hmmmmm maybe I should have made a profit on them and saved the funds for a rainy day :slight_smile: or our New American Economy.

Four insurance companies in Florida (including Citizens) now check this page which we set up at their request:

You are auto listed if you are both an InterNACHI member and have completed our free, online CILB-approved Wind Mitigation Inspection course.

If you want to do wind mits for Citizens insurance and qualify as an inspector you will need to pre-register with them, before you do inspections, to be accepted.
Also, Florida inspectors do not need to complete the 14 C.E. requirement for the first licensing period. What that means is we will need the 14 hours C.E. for renewal in 2014.