Today InterNACHI served Joe Kelly and PHIC with 39 Interrogatories.
For more information on InterNACHI’s suit against Joe Kelly and PHIC visit
Today InterNACHI served Joe Kelly and PHIC with 39 Interrogatories.
For more information on InterNACHI’s suit against Joe Kelly and PHIC visit
I honestly don’t know where these guys get all the money they need to defend our lawsuits against them. They should just give InterNACHI their homes now and save their money.
In the words of Robert Duvall in Apocalypse Now Redux… “Don’t these people ever give up?”
7:39 into it:
15:33 - 15:43
Go get em.
Pardon me for being ignorant, but what is the short story here?
I’m sure PHIC covered all of them with D&O insurance as most organizations do.
Joe Torre said the same thing Monday night!
phuc phic
Scott Patterson writes:
Because or our suits their insurance company dropped them and they can’t find any insurers stupid enough to pick them up.
This leaves them naked for the next wave of suits which includes one where I’m a plaintiff personally.
We’ll keep filing suits sequentially as long as I’m alive. We’ll eventually sue every member of PHIC and their spouses at least twice. Unless we are awarded absolutely everything we seek, we will likely appeal every verdict, win or lose. They should stop wasting everyone’s time, give InterNACHI their homes, and start fresh in some other industry.
Nick, are you sure you are not an attorney? Keep your shirt on.
I “Love the smell of Napalm” in the morning.