Originally Posted By: gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
inspection industry trade association we are making Inspector’s Quarterly free to all (NACHI and non-NACHI members alike).
We are not just making one issue free but are actually giving all inspectors a lifetime subscription... at no charge. http://www.nachi.org/iqad.htm
Also, again as we are now the industry's association, we are making some other changes to IQ:
--Less NACHI hype (a little less anyway )
--Several full-color pages.
--More technical articles.
--Bigger. We are going from 32 pages to a whopping 80 pages!
NACHI members don't have to take any action to get the subscription... all NACHI members already get free subscription.
Originally Posted By: pdacey This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Is anything being done to clean up the mailing list like to prevent multiple mailings to the same person? A lot of us received 2 papers last time. At $1.29 per in postage, that’s a lot of wasted $$$.