Here is a little tip on marketing your IR services. In my business I break down the different Infrared services and charge a separate fee for each. One of the services that I found wasn’t selling very well (as compared to the others) was the Infrared HVAC Scan. This scan was a very limited view of the performance of the ductwork and HVAC system. I simply would take a image of the return and all supply registers. One of the anomalies that I would periodically call out is when one register is 80 F and the other 6 are 130 F is for further investigation as a duct may be obstructed or disconnected.
In this market competition is tough, especially here because we have no licensing and we have contractors and others crossing over and doing inspection work to get contractor work. So I started offering the Infrared HVAC Scan for FREE if the client paid my full inspection fee. The way I saw it was I wasn’t losing much money and I could increase my volume by offering more for the same price.
What I have found was that my volume did increase and so did my other infrared sales. Bringing out the camera and showing the technology is akin to the “test drive” when selling a car. Once they grab hold of the steering wheel and feel the heat it is hard to let go, especially if you are jabbering in their ear about moisture, electrical, ect.
There is more information about marketing and positioning of the camera and services that can be found in my DVD and E-Books.