Is there a Houston area chapter?

Originally Posted By: escanlan
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I have been receiving emails asking if there was a Houston, Texas area NACHI chapter. At one point I thought I saw a listing for one but can no longer find it.

Does anyone know? If so who is the contact?

Manny (Emmanuel) Scanlan

Knowledge is power, but sharing knowledge brings peace!

Originally Posted By: Aimee Jalowsky
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There is not, but there ought to be!

Originally Posted By: escanlan
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Hi Aimee,

I agree there should be one. I've received enough emails from people in Houston looking for a chapter.

Manny (Emmanuel) Scanlan

Knowledge is power, but sharing knowledge brings peace!

Originally Posted By: mboyett
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You know who the most vocal, qualified ‘leader of men’ is in the Houston area…we just need to get him to volunteer to start the chapter up again, right?

Mike Boyett

Capital City Inspections

Austin, Tx

Originally Posted By: hgordon
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You are so right in asking...and soon I hope someone will step up to the plate!

If you know of anyone that you would suggest, please have them email me so we can get the ball running!

Harvey Gordon
SE Florida NACHI Chapter - President

Originally Posted By: rbennett
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Good morning

As Director Of NACHI Chapter Development could/would you post what assistance you can give to help to get a new chapter established. The information posted on the NACHI site seem quit clear but if you have something that could help young chapters out lets hear it

This seems as good a place to be heard as any so step up on stage and take the mike. The stage is yours

It sort of seams that sometime the problem is not just getting the ball rolling but keeping it rolling

Your assistance please


Originally Posted By: hgordon
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rbennett wrote:
This seems as good a place to be heard as any so step up on stage and take the mike. The stage is yours

Good day Richard!

There is much going on in trying to step in and organize what has been so unorganized!

There are a couple of things/situations that require much pre-planning prior to implementation as well as not surpressing the growth of the Chapters, while all the while being true to the foundational needs of the Association.

Simply stated, NACHI needs some structure...and I believe that MUCH of it comes from the membership up. And in order to be able to harness that structure many checks and balances need to be devised and further implemented.

One good example is our ability to "stand" in the face of our critics and assure them that we are doing what we say we are doing as it relates to Member Requirements. For example:

#7. You must agree to continue learning (18 hours/year) as per the Continuing Education Policy

The ONLY way we know if you have adhered to this requirement is IF YOU let us know...there is NO "follow-up" on NACHI's part if we DON'T see that you have.

It is my hope that when chapters are setup they also take on an active role in assisting and holding the members accountable.

To that end I am working on:
1. Guide to Starting and Running A NACHI Chapter in your area
The purpose of this manual is to provide a guideline for the administration of NACHI Chapters and to ensure chapter success.

2. Application for Chapter Recognition
We want to be sure that the person(s) who are representing NACHI have staying power and are a good fit for the members.

3. Creating a NACHI Chapter Board/Committee.
This board will sanction chapters which it deems fit, enforce the newly developed NACHI Chapter Guidelines, as well as assist chapters to grow through co-laboring events. (Guidelines for acceptance by the Board being worked on.)

4. Creating documentation for Chapters.
Before we can expect the chapters to assist and help grow the members we need to have in place the documents that they will need to succeed, such as Tracking Attendance, Continuing Education Units (CEU) (note we will direct members to keep up their web log), Full Membership Inspection Log, etc.

5. Creating the "Charter" document to issue to Chapters

And much much more!

rbennett wrote:
It sort of seams that sometime the problem is not just getting the ball rolling but keeping it rolling

I so agree with you. And that is why I want to work hard in the weeks to come at laying foundations that the Newly Formed Chapters as well as the Veteran Chapters can pull from and feel supported by.

As you can see, much is being done and still there is much to do.

Harvey Gordon
SE Florida NACHI Chapter - President

Originally Posted By: rbennett
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Thank you for your reply

It saves a lot of emailing

Sounds like you need a team of at least 20 sr inspectors with association leadership background

Good luck


Originally Posted By: hgordon
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No just need dedicated, honest, and willing Inspectors!

Harvey Gordon

SE Florida NACHI Chapter - President