New Kingston Chapter

Hey Bill Devries!
I think that a chapter in the Kingston / Eastern Ontario area is a darned good idea. We need some representation of NACHI here.
What say you?


That sounds like a good idea!! I promise to attend at least one meeting.
I was thinking of starting a NACHI chapter in Toronto but I have so much on my plate right now maybe next year.

Good Luck with it ;No pun intended

Oh alright George I wiil drive out to see you and all the guys/girls

Mario drop your car off at my place and I will drive from there.

Yes I agree, we need to start putting NACHI on the map here in Kingston, also I think that more presence is needed in canada as well. We should start putting it in the works and get a site happening, start a meeting for those in tha area as well and get some numbers in the chapter, I can help getting things together as well to start turning NACHI into a household name.
We should consider a training session and or a general meeting to see who is interested and what we can do to put Kingston on the map as far as Nachi goes.
Should we look into a website for the chapter, and look for some ways to help get the local fellas moving forward and upward.

I’ll start to check around for a place to have a meeting and we can see what we need from those that are interested in getting involved to put the kingston chapter together

Got to thinking about it some more and maye we really need a positive voice for Home Inspectors in Canada, we need to start getting orginized and having representation for NACHI HI’s North of the 49th together we can move mountians… if anyone is interested join the conversation and tell us your thoughts, let’s get the NACHI ball rolling

Hi Bill!
I think we can talk Mario and Bob into bringing the chips and dip!!

Let’s start small here in Kingston and area. We need to get an idea of how many local inspectors are interested.
I would love to see a web site with an M.B. to which local home owners and Reators would have access to ask questions and get information. We really need to solidify the NACHI presence here in the Kingston area. This area was home to one of the first and most successful chapters in Canada but it died an unfortunate death. Let’s see if there is enough interest to get it going again.

Perhaps we could have a “meet and Greet” sometime in the not too distant future and then if interest is shown a full scale meeting with agendas and speakers after that.

On a a national front we do need a spokes person and a recognized national **CANADIAN **organization to organize the membership.

On the local front, a dedicated group of inspectors could attend all the brokers meetings etc. and make presentations promoting their businesses and the NACHI organization.


Hey George the M.B. is a great Idea, I can get that up and running in a few days, I’ll get a domain for it over the next day and get working on the site for local inspectors and realtors.
I’ll make a few more calls tommorrow and get a place lined up and we can work on the invitations.
I agree that we should pool a few NACHI brothers here in town and do a few presentations to the brokers showing OUR strength and unity to work together.
I agree we need to create a voice in CANADA for NACHI and to show our worth as HI’s so we do not get forgotten in the mox of legislation or licensing, that would be a forefront goal as well. as long as we band together we can move mountians and make strides forward

Let’s get the meet n greet under way, I’ll post what I come up with tommorrow, and let’s get this happening.

I’ll be setting up the chapter website tonight, Just waiting back for a few places to call back for the meet n greet in December.

Have a look the chapter site is started, email me if you want a change made or to be added to the membership roster
I added those that have said they would like to see this happen and become something great

Looks really good! I will send the link around to a few guys who are interested and they will sign up themselves.

I’ll send a llink to the site to as many local inspectors as I can find.

Ok sounds great , i was thinking Dennys at the 401 for meet n greet in december, I’ll make some calls to get a few items to hand out and see if I can arrange for a speaker as well


I thought there used to be a chapter in Barrie, but cannot find it? Anyone know if it is still in existance?

Denny’s looks good for now , if we get some good responce I’ll get a bigger room if we need it, gonna get a hold of Nick or lisa this weekend as well and see what they have to say and ideas as well,

MMMMMMMM Grand Slam Slugger MMMMMMMMMM :mrgreen:

I got a couple of calls about the meeting this weekend. These guys are members of another org and didn’t want to post their names. So word seems to be spreading.


I was chatting with a three inspectors as well who are interested in the chapter too. things are looking good so far


The rath of that other association has no bounds, nor no fair play or ethics. Regretable that some are so intimidated/freightened/repressed they hide knowing what the consequences could be. Too bad. I didn’t think learning was something to be ashamed of. :frowning:

I guess time will heal the wounds of those, and when there ready they will see that this chapter is moving forward for the industry as a whole along with doing local good for HI’S and for training and education

Staurday Dec 8 from 4 pm till 8 pm is the Greater Kingston Area Chapter meeti and Greet.
Meeting to be held at Denny’s (401) on Benson Dr. Cost is $12.50 which includes dinner.
Click the link to the Chapter site and look under events for directions and more information
Here is a basic scheduale of times,
4:00 - 5:00 registrations and Introductions ( meet and greet fellow NACHI members)
5:00 - 6:00 dinner light discussion on positions,
6:00 - 7:00 Training , Continued Education, Local Marketing
7:00 - 8:00 National Marketing, Licensing, legislation, Door prizes to be handed out

I hope to see you at this meeting and look forward to help in creating a fantastic Chapter.