I am inclined to think not, but I would like some other opinions. The required lateral bracing is in the forground. The stuff falling down in the background? Temporary bracing from construction?
8 year old solid house. Not a crack in the walls or ceilings, and when I walked the roof it seemed solid.
Those are likely what they used to support the trusses during installation, although using full 2x4 block is rare and a bit of a waste. The usually use the metal straps, or 1x2.
I doubt it is the lateral bracing, because no one in their right mind would rather install dozens of smaller blocks in place of one linear piece.
I agree Dylan. Now, do you think I should ignore it, or report it as general info? The client was not present and I don’t want them to ever stick their heads up there after move in and think the house is falling down!
I wouldn’t say anything, unless they need scrap 2x4 blocks. Temporary use in my opinion, of course this should not deter you from consulting a licensed and competent specialist for further evaluation with remedy as necessary .
I still put it in the report because if a homeowner pops their head up in the attic they are going to be alarmed and think their house is falling apart. The second reason is if they ever hear a clunk above them at night they wont panic because you told them that they eventually may fall…