Originally Posted By: away This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
It looks like a softener system to me.
The timer looks to me like it is sitting on top of a tank. Two tanks indicate to me that it is a softener. As Steve said, look in the blue tank if it has salt, then this is a softener.
The red handled valve appears to be the bypass valve.
There is a small diameter plastic pipe that is tailing off toward the bottom right, down around the right side unit, and back on the "ground" toward the blue tank. The picture doesn't show enough to know where it goes from there, but this looks to be the drain line for when the unit backwashes and recharges.
The larger diameter plastic pipe coming from between the blue tank and the surrounding structure looks like it is the brine drawn line as it appears to go to the valve below the timer mechanism.
There is a small plastic elbow near the top of the blue tank, looks like an overflow should the valve malfunction and not turn off when needed. Some softeners control this with a float valve in the salt tank (blue tank) others by the timer. If this were installed in a garage, basement or some other "interior" location, then there would/should be a line going to a drain to keep from flooding
There also appears to be some wires running from the upper left of the picture, across the blue tank and into the control unit.
Of course all of that is assuming a control valve is actually under that box thingy on top and that the box thingy is truly a timer mechanism.