Is this pipe accectable for fireplace gas line?

It connects to the manifild…

Is is copper or aluminum my area aluminum is ok, copper is not

Its aluminum…

Wood burning or gas log a gas log in my area can have an Al ignitor line but for wood burning black iron is used

Thanks…thats the info. I was looking for.

Your picture is of a soft copper gas line. It is common for fireplaces. Aluminum pipe is used for pilot service for older furnaces and boilers and now rare. Aluminum will no t be flared as your picture shows here.

Correct and that is why recognition inspection is better than observation.:frowning:
Recognize what the gas line is and observe the application used.

Question Can a flare fitting be used for GAS?

What can you not know about the flare if it can be used?

It’s aluminum, and no longer allowed for use in CA. Copper has never been allowed for use with natural gas in CA.

Don’t forget that CA is short form for Canada.
You may confuse some new HI that does not now where you are from.
That being said it can clearly be seen that the pipe in question is aluminum by the clean wiped area on the supply.:smiley:

David is from CA (as in California), and he knows I am too. :wink:

I know you are from California but does everyone else viewing the MB.:frowning:
So what you say could be mixed up with Gas code B149 of Canada and cause a new HI to think that copper is not acceptable in CA. Do you get what I mean now!

I got it the first time - thanks :smiley:

The IRC allows copper, aluminum, and steel tubing for gas lines. However copper tubing can’t be used if the gas has high hydrogen sulfide levels locally. Also tubing joints need to be flared or brazed (not soldered). Flared joints are typically used for smaller tubing sizes.

P.S. Jeff, what would you CA guys see for new construction on that if Cu and Al tubing isn’t allowed … heavy duty flexible stainless steel tubing or hard pipe with black iron?

If hard pipe with black iron, are the gas logs bolted down or something with that rigid connection, given you can sleep through a 6.0 minor shaker … :mrgreen:

Flexible steel (CSST) appliance connectors are required for most connections. Rigid, black iron is used where flex is not used, or not allowed for use.

Gas logs are not usually bolted down, but it really depends on the type of fireplace being used. Wood-burning fireplaces with gas-log sets are generally operated with the valve, which is outside of the fireplace. Therefore, there is no pressurized fuel within the appliance connector when the appliance is off. So, there’s no requirement that the gas-log set be secured.

Gas-only type fireplaces are (generally) fully pressurized and operated with an electronic switch. This means the appliance connector is also pressurized, in which case the appliance should be secured.

We had a 4.2 on the first of the month while I was in a crawlspace. I don’t think I’ll ever get comfortable with that :smiley:

Wow … CSST is pretty flimsy stuff. Wouldn’t fly in my neck of the woods (would be considered subject to mechanical or heat damage) … would have expected something heavier like this … Dormont | Watts Brands

Sound like it’s all in a days work for you CA guys … :smiley:

One day us folks with solid ground beneath our feet will have to take a boat to get to California:shock::wink: